TRUTH About Burning Calories- Age & Sex Don't Matter

Hey, Athletes! Do you want to know the truth about burning calories? Then you need to check out this week’s newest episode of the Garage Gym Athlete Podcast!
Episode 122 of The Garage Gym Athlete Podcast is up!
TRUTH About Burning Calories- Age & Sex Don't Matter
This week’s episode we have the guys going over a very interesting study. It’s on energy expenditure and how your age and sex don’t matter! The guys give their takeaways on this one and how to Kill Comfort with this study. This week’s topic is part II on non staple, staple foods! The guys go over their must haves and why they are important to them. This week’s Meet Yourself Saturday is called Fat and Sugar. This is a fun one that will definitely help you meet yourself!
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- The Truth About Burning Calories
- Fat and Sugar
- Energy Expenditure
- Non-Staple, Staple Foods Part II
- Micronutrients
- Tips For MYS
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- And A LOT MORE!!
Diving Deeper…
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Study of the Week
Garage Gym Athlete Workout of the Week
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To becoming better!
Jerred Moon 0:02
All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the garage mathlete podcast Jerred moon here with Kyle Shrum and Joe Courtney, gentlemen, how's it going? So fantastic. Let's get right into it. So today we are talking about are covering a study called daily energy expenditure through the human life course. I love that. I just love it. Like that could be one of those fake books you guys read? That could be the title. Okay. Well, just a bad habit half of that the human life course. Sounds like a
Kyle Shrum 0:42
Yeah, while they wouldn't say lifespan. Yeah, so. But
Jerred Moon 0:46
I love I love hitting on their, their study names. Yeah. Because whatever is done in 2021, I don't know if I mentioned that it was a massive study study. So energy expenditure is just calorie burn, how many how many calories you burn in a day. And this was a study of 6421 participants. So just huge. And I'm going to read kind of some of the breakdown that we got about who was included, said the individual and the individuals in this analysis were 64% female, and from various geographical locations spread across 29 countries. The age of the participants were also diverse, with the youngest being eight days old and the oldest 95 years old. This analysis also included data on 136 infants, and 141, pregnant and postpartum women, not from the database. Additionally, basal metabolic rate measured via indirect calla Colette Allama, tree was available for 2008 of the subjects. And I don't know how many times it's going to be mentioned now that that just came up the they're primarily looking at doubly labeled water. And there was a decent explanation of what that is. I can read the whole thing. Did you guys look into doubly labeled water at all? Or read what kind of what that is? Like how it works?
Joe Courtney 2:14
That has come up a few times? It's always been kind of weird to me. Yeah,
Jerred Moon 2:17
yeah. So I might just, I just might read this whole thing as a short paragraph. But I just want to get a big picture of what we're looking at, and kind of why it matters and why people might want to pay attention. So this is just daily expenditure of the like, through the human life course, as they named it. That's why they named it so directly, but yet, oddly enough, they cover babies all the way up to 95 years old, because we all hear these cliches and like, you know, I'm getting older, my metabolism slowing down, and all these things. And so what these people want it to look at, was how much of a correlation is there? Due to your age? Is it really age based? Is that truly the reason you're burning fewer calories? And or is there something else is there this age related, hormonal decrease, or is there some other thing that's happening, that actually makes you burn fewer calories, makes you gain fat, mass, so on and so forth. And that's what they looked at. And I could jump straight into the takeaway, but I'm not I'm going to go back to this doubly labeled water that we were talking about. So I'm just going to read it, what it is, and why they use this over, you know, putting people in a chamber or whatever else. So briefly, doubly labeled water is a validated measure of free living total daily any energy expenditure. It requires a sample of participants body water, typically urine or saliva before they drink water that contains elevated levels of the uncommon hydrogen and oxygen isotopes. Deuterium and oxygen 18. Hence doubly labeled, and then another body water sample at a time point days after drinking the doubly labeled water for comparison, since oxygen primarily exists the body through exits the body through breathing and loses and losses of body water, while the CIT deuterium only exists. Exits I keep shooting exists, only exits the body through losses, breathing and losses of the Bywater blah, blah, the difference between the two can be used to determine the carbon dioxide. So essentially, you're drinking something uncommon. And they take your common state and then they compare the difference in these isotopes. Because they do get into how you can measure by carbon dioxide and everything else. But the reason they use this one is they said it can be used in a free living environment. So meaning you can as opposed to having to bring you into this chamber or whatever they the reason they really liked this in studies of measuring energy expenditure is You can just drink this and then go about your life and then come back and then be measured. And they can check these things out. Because these isotopes can only accept the body a certain way, they have a very validated way to measure your energy expenditure. So I don't think we'll get into that too much. But I just want to hit on that, like Joe said, it's come up a couple of times, never really got deep into the explanation, I've never participated in any sort of doubly labeled water. Personally, I've had fat free mass assessed or energy expenditure, it's never been through that method right there. So the big takeaway, I'm just gonna kind of jump to the conclusion. And then we can kind of like, pull out on things that we found interesting.
Is like this study, to me was the great leveler, there's like, there's like no excuse, right? Like, when you adjust for how much muscle mass you have, I don't like saying fat free mass, I would prefer to just say muscle mass. So when you have lower body fat percentage, when you have muscle mass, and those things are adjusted, there, there's like, no, no excuses. There's no excuses for male female, or I don't wanna say excuses, the differences, no differences between male, female, there's no differences in age until after that it was looking about age 60, which is getting, I still would call that old these days, but it's definitely far beyond the average age of our athletes. You know, I would say that we do have heavily, predominantly probably middle aged athletes, if, if you want to go into the 30s 40s 50s, we have a lot of those athletes. And what they're saying here is like, hey, energy expenditure doesn't really change, like, it doesn't really change there. And I think people get in their heads, and we talk about the mental side of this a lot. That's, that's where I was gonna take the study, a lot of people just hear stuff. And then they, it gets ingrained into your psychology. And if I ever catch myself doing something like that, too, I oftentimes go to the science, if I ever am, like, say something like, oh, well, you're getting older, your metabolism slowing down, which I don't say, but if I did say I beg, where did you get that little tidbit? Like, where did you start? You know, putting that into practice and saying it as if it were a scientific fact. So having no known all knowing all that, and then kind of we can get into some of the details. What do you guys think about this study overall?
Joe Courtney 7:27
Pretty awesome. Like, yeah, I don't think there will be a study, at least for a while that has such a wide range of people that they studied, which is pretty crazy, and pretty awesome.
Kyle Shrum 7:42
Yeah, yeah, that's something that we kind of talk about, with pretty much every study that we get, right? We, we think about the sample size, and we say, Okay, let's try to extrapolate this out. You know, these are some generalized principles that we pulled from a small sample, but like, you look at something like this, where it's well over 6000 people that they studied, and you have just in all the different demographics, and the different age ages, and all those kinds of things, you factor all that stuff in, you get a really, to me, obviously, it's still an incredibly small portion of the total population on Earth. But to me, I think you still get a really, really good picture of just generalized principles to apply it to kind of, to kind of everybody and that, that's one thing that I really appreciated about it. It's a huge, huge sample size, so we can really, in my opinion, we can really, that makes the results much more dependable, versus a lot of the other studies that we look at.
Joe Courtney 8:37
The graph is just like, it's crazy how steady it is. We're at all of these. Yeah, a lot
Kyle Shrum 8:43
of they have so many graphs and tables and data and all that. Yeah, it's just what you would expect from like I said, a sample size is
Jerred Moon 8:50
this big? I know, it's when you're talking about Joe work, just kind of like flatlines, from the age 20 to age 60. Yeah, when it's looking at, I think, total daily energy expenditure something in correlation to fat free mass. Yeah, yeah. And it's just like, it's not like this, like wavy line or slight decline. It's like, yeah, between ages zero and 20. There are a lot of changes there. I think we can all agree to like, I even thought it was kind of funny, too. They are diving into infants a little bit in the study. I'm like, Have you guys ever had a baby, they're just like a ball of fat. And then they slowly transition. They slowly transition to having muscle mass and growing the egg. That's just what they are, when they're when they're born. So that that part was kind of irrelevant to me. Because yeah, that's what babies are. And then there are just so many hormonal changes in like the, the teenage population between, you know, just gaining muscle mass because because, like in men more testosterone is being produced more heavily, and they're going through puberty, and so the muscle mass is more easily maintained. So yeah, that that part of the stage I'm gonna care about. So there's this like, there's a dramatic difference there. Zero to 20 but In 2016, it's literally like a flatline across the chart of like no difference in energy expenditure when adjusted for fat free mass, which leads to like, what's the what's the takeaway here? Like, what what do you think we should be focusing on? If you, you know, want to keep that maintenance level and you don't want to pretend like age is a problem for you, you should probably try and build some muscle, right? That's that that was a big takeaway for me here was like, Yeah, you should, it doesn't mean you have to go on a hypertrophy bodybuilding plan, it just means you should continue to lift weights, you know, through every stage of life. And then I would say it just becomes way more important after the age of 60. Not okay, here's where things start slowing down, I should probably slow down and like, No, you should probably just lift more weights, you know, and it doesn't have to be one rep maxes and like hard stuff, or high volume, but continuing for bone density, and for muscle mass into the age of 16. Above, you should continue to lift weights. This is also just a big proponent of that as well. It's not like okay, well, after 60 bad things happened. It's like, well, you can do something about it, and you should continue to do something about it.
Joe Courtney 11:09
Yeah, that cop out generalization. This was another one of the studies to kind of put it in that in your in, shoot those things down and go back to our previous study when we're episode that we did AJ AJ Dunbar the number, and I think it found performance around there was close to 60, or it wasn't a way above fit or good bit above 50, as well for when actual performance metrics started to turn to go down. So yeah, it's just the the I guess groupthink is what happens when, you know, some people start to say, certain things that just gets ingrained in you and maybe mentioned in here is that like, really, the the middle age slump is because people start stop lifting weights as much stop being as active and like being active can be a number of different things, you know, middle aged 40 or so your kids might be leaving the house 40 or 50. It's like, okay, well, I'm not, you know, my kids are teenagers, I'm not up and chasing them around as much, I don't go to the gym as much, I just go to work and do this. It's, it's, you're not getting older and fatter, you're just getting less active, and you're using those muscles less. So your body's going to be more efficient, and kind of get rid of them, not hold on to them and therefore expend less energy and, and all that. So I mean, that the saying that he will always like to throw around for a long time was that muscle burns fat, but in a way, I mean, that technically is wrong. But also in this, it makes this kind of, right, because it's like, Hey, you, you build muscle, you have the muscle, your body burns more energy, that energy puts you in a caloric more of a caloric deficit, that deficit burns fat, so if so facto somewhat, muscle burns fat, but doesn't.
Jerred Moon 12:51
It's yeah, yeah. Yeah, so having more muscle mass in general, is gonna burn more calories. And that's like the same reason why we tell people to eat more protein, because it it takes more calories to burn, and it's just gonna be better for you, and especially in the gaining of muscle mass. But I was hoping we could kind of take this direction of talking about age. Because I think that's been heavily expressed lately in our community about, could you guys cover some stuff on age or whatever? And this, this isn't what you want to hear? You don't I think that they're wanting tips and tricks for as you get older, what you can do. And so I want to talk about a couple things. So there's this one that says, hey, it's just kind of flatlined till after age 60, maybe there are some difference in energy expenditure. There's some of the others that we've covered. But a study done in 2017, it's called and we can put these all these linked in the show notes, but comparison in the recovery response response from resistance exercise between young and middle aged men, and you always have to look at the ages, what are they talking about, and this one was all the way up to 59 years old. So the younger group was 18 to 30, the older group is 40 to 59. What they find, not much of a difference, at least in a 48 hour window with blood markers, that there's any sort of difference in recovery between 18 and 59. Like, there is some difference, but it's not it wasn't massive. And this is all leading somewhere. There's another study 2018 internal loads, but not external loads and fatigue are similar and young and middle aged resistance training males during high volume squatting exercise, this is one where they did GVT German German volume training 10 by 10 at 60% of Wonder Max is a taxing taxing high volume workout. And they looked at everyone between ages 20 up to 65 or something crazy like that. And again, there wasn't a lot of difference. Like there wasn't this overwhelming, like okay, 42 he cut it off in 42 you guys. There was nothing like that. I didn't find it in that study either. And then I found one exercise induced muscle damage and postmenopausal well trained women. Now this is like At women, really starting as early in 30s, the 40s and 50s. And but the only caveat here was these women did have more more of a training background. But if you've been training regularly, again, not much of a difference when we get into age. And so when we get all of these, oh, I had one more 2019 peak age and performance progression in world class, weightlifting and powerlifting athletes. And again, it wasn't, they were saying you could basically be elite level, easily into your late 40s. And there might be, it might be a little bit more challenging in your 50s. But who in our community is trying to be number one powerlifter, or, you know, Olympic weightlifter in the world? I wouldn't say there are any of those. So when we're just looking at age, okay, we're just looking at age, there's not a lot of difference in the science is just starting to back that up. But there is a huge difference in psychology versus physiology. And I'm not saying you're getting older, and so your mind is, is getting weaker, or you just think that you have problems. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying what I've noticed, personally, is when I was training in my early 20s, with no kids, and not an entrepreneur, just able to focus 100% on like, that was all I cared about, you know, Emily and I got married, let's say after I got married, it was just like,
there's Emily, and then there was fitness. And my job was what it was, like that was that was it right. And so my ability to focus, and just only care about training was really high. And so I've been talking a lot about this with other athletes, I've been calling it fought FFTT factors other than training. Like I think that this, like, I'm probably gonna come up with it, the thought score in the pilot world, it's called operational risk management, O RM. And so before you go on a sortie that you should, they'll have you answer, like, a list of questions how much air force pilots actually stick to this is questionable, but that's not the point. So they'll they'll look at things like how much sleep did you get? Did you take NyQuil like all these things, and then you get an O RM score. And if your O RM score is too high, then you shouldn't train or you shouldn't fly, like there's, you have too many other things going on, that could affect you being optimal in that aircraft. So it's really important, right? Because you could die, you could ruin or if you don't, don't die, you could ruin a multimillion dollar aircraft. I think it's very similar here, we you really need to start looking at these this font in your life, if you are an older athlete, and you're saying, Hey, I'm not recovering like I used to, or I'm not the you know, I'm not seeing the results like I used to, there might be a sliver of truth to that an age, but not from a physiological standpoint, overwhelmingly, so. Per the scientific research. However, there's no doubt that something psychological could be going on. I know, if you're in your 50s, your kids are older. You've been married for a long time. Like how much do you care about the size of your biceps or even muscle mass in general, you know, when you're not, you don't care about those things as much as when you were 20. And so I just think that there's there's way more of a psychological thing going on here. And I don't mean, what you're telling yourself all that crap, I'm saying, just what you're focused on what your priorities are, what's stressful, what's not stressful, the different ages, what you can handle, what you can't handle, life comes at you things hit a little bit harder not to take this down a too much of a negative path. But the older you get, the more people around, you start to die, you know, like you, you, I've already started to experience that quite a bit. Especially I've had a lot of friends die, you know, you don't experience those things when you're younger. And so you just started to put things in perspective to where you're like, how important is this, this thing over here. And so I think fitness can get knocked down and being active can get knocked down and your diet can get knocked down. Because all these other things start to creep up as big, greater priorities. And to be honest, that's the conclusion I've come to from just looking at everything is like, all this thought factors other than training are affecting your gains, your recovery, your performance, more so than any sort of physiological hormonal response unless you're over the age of 60. So I know that was kind of like a soapbox thing. But we've just been getting so much of this for such a long time. I'm not negating it or doubting that there is some sort of age differences. But I want everyone to look at their life first, all the factors other than training, and see if there's something that could be changed there. Before you get into you know, things are just so much different. Because if you have been training and you can train regularly, the science is saying that it's gonna be fine. Like you're you're alright.
Kyle Shrum 19:45
Yeah, I think that's kind of what we battle as well, just these these myths that we which we we do this a lot on the podcast, we just try to bust these myths around fitness, right and about how, you know, it changes over time and so Then it gets in people's heads, well, it's supposed to change over time, and I'm supposed to get slower, I'm supposed to get weaker. And so it's okay that that's happening. Whereas this study really busts a lot of that, you know what I mean? No, keep taking care of yourself. Especially when you're when you add, when you add the physical activity, keep taking care of yourself, and this doesn't have to change, it doesn't have to change a whole lot. It really just has to, really just comes down to like you were saying, like, your priorities, are you, are you. And that's something else that people think about. I feel like, a lot of people look at people who take their fitness seriously, as the, it's all external, as in, it's like, people who take care of their bodies, they only do it for external reasons, but they only do it because they want to look good. They only do it because I don't know, like they, they want to shame other people or something like people who aren't taking care of their bodies. For some reason, I always feel threatened by people who do you know what I mean? And they come up with these excuses for why they don't. And I know, because I've done, I did that for most of my life. And really take that mindset out and say, I'm not doing this, for those external reasons, I really am like, the science just proves that, like, if I keep taking care of myself, I'm going to be fine. And like, I'm not going to decline, I'm not going to see this sharp decline towards the end of my life, like, I'm going to be able to hold a lot of that off, and I'm going to be able to stay healthy for a longer period of time. So instead of giving in to those psychological myths that people surround fitness with, like, no, the science doesn't say that. It just, it just doesn't it's just a lie,
Joe Courtney 21:36
I definitely think people like to have external blame on something else, like not to blame or take, take the ownership on themselves and like have some other sort of scapegoat reason why they might be declining. But I mean, just motivation as you get older, I think will is, as you mentioned, it will start to wane. And I know, you know, six, seven years ago, I was way more intense, way more high strung and go get her in the gym that I am now. And I know that I had other aspirations and things back then. But I'm still working out now. And I'm realizing that even though I don't have those same goals, and that same intensity, I still focus that more narrowly into specific things. So like, while in the past, I might have had a bunch of goals and training for a bunch of things. Like this past year, I really only had one goal and one thing that I'm aiming at, so thinking of and realizing, okay, okay, I, I'm older now, I don't care about having all of these things, you know, I don't want to I don't care about having a six pack and running this level of five game squatting as much into whatever, maybe just pick one thing, and put your intensity energy toward that because your life is probably filled with a bunch of other things now and also admitting or, you know, to yourself that, hey, you know, I'm not as mentally dialed in, or as intense as I used to be, and that's fine. Things happen, but it's not it. Physiologically, age wise, it's not the actual reason. It's more of your mental process of how you're attacking. Fitness and such.
Jerred Moon 23:16
Yeah, I even went down this path recently, let's just say the mental struggle with it. And it was primarily like, on how I would attack Murph. And I was like, dude, when you were doing this, like, two, three years ago, it was just like, you're going as hard as you could every time and like I wanted to was the biggest thing. It wasn't like, I pushed myself. I was like, I want to go hard on it. And then more recently, it'd be more like, I don't know. And then I was like, why are you different? Like, what? Like, what's different? And I actually wondered, I was like, I wonder if my testosterone levels are like, lower than they used to be, you know, so I hadn't tested. Nope, testosterone levels are great. And there's absolutely no issue there. But you see how I immediately went down that scapegoat theory? I was like, oh, yeah, well, I am getting older. So maybe the testosterone so that was my first. Like, instead of like, oh, I don't know, you're juggling multiple businesses, you have three kids and like you're going to 16 different practices during the week and like all this other crap is just making you slightly less motivated to wake up at 5am on on a Saturday and go as hard as you can on Murph compared to a couple years ago, when you weren't doing all these things like hmm, maybe that's it, you know, so it's just like, it's so obvious once you kind of like look at things, but in reality, and I see I was glad that I got the testosterone check because I was like, Well, I can remove that. Like that's not not an excuse, right like that. That was fine. And so I know that it goes back to just this What are you after it so to Joe's point, I think the more you can remove from your life the better like get super focused like Joe said on like one thing like, hey, I want this is the one goal you know, it's like I want to run a fast mile. I want to do I want to back squat this much as opposed to 1000 other goals, like trying to compound them all together. And then if you are just like tax overwhelmed, you have too much going on. I mean, I would remove some of those other things because you can call me biased or not. But I think fitness and health are one of the most important things in your life. Not this. If I have time for when I get around to it type mentality a lot of people have, it's like it is it's right up there with family and like everything else, like it is just as important to take care of yourself in these regards. And so these are the things that I would I would look at if you're feeling a little bit different. And I mean, having worked with a lot of athletes, it does, the only thing that I do think is different. I know I said that, that there was a study on the recovery side of things. But the only limiting part of that study was it only looked at like 48 hour window of like blood markers and stuff. I do think that if you are doing a really hard training cycle, you might recover less efficiently than you did when you were younger. That's the only thing that through and this is anecdotal experience having worked with a wide range of athletes, I just feel like that's the truth is the recovery not so much how much you can lift, how fast you can run, how much energy you burn, or how much mass muscle mass, you're capable of having none of those things, it's more like, I do think that your recovery could be affected a little bit. And then like I said, this is anecdotal experience. So I think that that might be the case. I mean, I even feel hard training session a little bit more than when I was in my early 20s. You know, like, early 20s, a really hard training session was like, next day, let's do it again. Like who cares? And then you know, now it is like, Okay, well, I'm a little bit more sore. But then again, I have to go back and back. Is that an age thing? Or did you not drink enough water yesterday? And did you not sleep enough last night and looking at the actual recovery metrics before we go to like, Okay, this is an age thing. And so, go look at those things, look at what you have going on your life, look how focused you actually are in your recovery before you start blaming the old calendar for your problems.
Kyle Shrum 27:06
Yeah, so in there, you know, just quickly as well, like, there were other to me, there are other like Miss that we can bust using this study, you know, male versus female. Obviously, on average men, total mass is higher than females. But I mean, when you adjust for all of those things, for male versus female, the energy expenditure is exactly the same. And, and so the the male female thing is, is a myth as well. I mean, obviously, if you take one females numbers against one males numbers, you know, individually and compare them there, they may not match up, but just overall, like they're, it's all the same, as long as you're increasing your fat free mass, your lean mass, and keeping them holding the standard with your training is the same thing for women who are pregnant or who were postpartum, it was the same like those, those miss those myths of women don't need to strength train, which we talk about all the time, women don't need to strength train, you know, we can bust that myth as well, or women who are pregnant don't need to train, we can obviously, there's some nuances there. But like, we don't need to accept the fact that just because a woman is pregnant means that she doesn't need to train anymore. That's not true. It might look a little bit different. But all of that stays the same. And so I really liked that they kind of encompassed all of those things in showed that just no matter what, like basically, as long as you're maintaining physical activity, just over time, especially within this 20 year old to 60 year old window, everything is gonna stay the same, and it's all gonna average out. And it really is, like when you look at that graph, it's just a plateau, it just stays the same stays level. And another thing they've slowly decreases slow, and that's the thing, it's a gradual decrease after 60 It's not, it's not like a drop off, like the first year is a huge spike which stands but then it kind of slowly decreases until 20 and then it levels off. And then it gradually decreases after 60 And it's like it's not a huge drop off. It's just just a little bit but if you maintain your physical activity over that time, you mitigate a lot of that stuff. And it it's it's the same across the board for pretty much everybody.
Jerred Moon 29:18
Yeah, and they they talked about I think it was was this correct me if I'm wrong is like over the age of 60. They talked about I read too many studies today so I don't even know what you're talking about. The the reason for eating being different has to do with like the ability to smell and taste differently at an older age, right? You can't smell or taste as much as well.
Joe Courtney 29:39
Olfactory and your big hunger goes down like intestinal issues and like because your taste buds and your senses are going down you're not as your satiation or whatever level is not as high you're not you don't crave as much because you're not like smelling and tasting all these fantastic foods. You just like I'm just sustaining life now.
Jerred Moon 29:58
Which makes me wonder If you okay, it's like I don't like me. I don't care what it tastes like,
Joe Courtney 30:04
Are you already 70
Jerred Moon 30:07
I don't care what it tastes like, I don't care what it looks like, I don't care what it smells like, it's just this is the calories protein I need right now that maybe that's a harder mindset to take in the sick when you're in your 60s. But if you just had that mindset, it makes me curious if you're like, Look, I know, I know, I have these age limiting factors with smell, taste, and all that. But I still need to make sure I'm eating enough food and enough protein. And I still need to make sure I'm lifting weights, like you might be on a whole new trajectory of just maintaining that that plateau from 20 to 60, out to 70 or 80. You know, if you can stay on top of these things mentally of what you need to do, as opposed to just trying to let your sensations guide when you should eat and everything else. So I did think that that was interesting as well, but it comes down to it's so funny what the ultimate takeaway was like, Okay, move more, move more. Don't sit on your ass so much, no matter how old you are. Okay, that one big, big huge one, and then eat more than you are eat less than you burn, or maintain it, like make it equal. Right? Like, okay, so not a lot of huge takeaways. Like, there's like an awesome, like, Okay, well, this is cool. It's like a really cool study. But ultimately, we're going back to square one of fitness 101 that people know at the age of like, five. Gotta keep moving. Gotta stay active. Doesn't matter how old you are. And you can't eat too much. Yep. Okay. I'm sorry. I mean, I wish it was I wish it was different. But it doesn't matter if you're male, female, or really how old? You are like, those are the takeaways for being fit and healthy.
Kyle Shrum 31:55
Yeah, I wish there was like, There's part of me that wishes like there was some kind of like, new revolutionary thing, you know, that we could just pass on to people. Here's the secret, you know, no, it really is. Everything that we've been talking about for forever, you know, especially on this podcasts, like everything we've been telling you. This is a huge study with a huge participant base. That just reaffirms everything that we've already been saying.
Joe Courtney 32:23
Yeah, it's pretty fantastic.
Jerred Moon 32:24
Yeah. That's, that's it, if you guys want to dive into the study, you can, I don't think we need to jump into killing comfort for this. Because we kind of did, we're kind of like, hey, readjust your mindset, look at your thought, which is a new new term I use all the time. So just burning thought, I'm probably going to put it into the coaching course to help people better understand their athletes is what I'm going to do. But yeah, just just look at your thought your factors other than training, look at the stories you're telling yourself limiting beliefs that you might have around your age. And then the only other thing I did have in my notes was, I do think that this is different. If you started training recently, if you like trained a lot in your 20s, and then you took your 30s off, like, this would be a fun decade, let's just see what happens. And then you started training in your 40s. Yeah, that's gonna hurt like hell, like way worse than in your 20s. And still has nothing to do with your age, it has to do with taking a decade off of fitness. No, yeah, that's gonna hurt, it's almost like your your body went into atrophy. And you're trying to like use it again. So that shouldn't be surprising that because you can't take a decade off when you were training in your 20s. Because you more or less did it, it's just called Growing up, like you playing sports or whatever. So that's where it's really different. And that's a lot of the times who people, when people are talking about age, where becomes their concern is like, wow, this is different than when I was 24. It's like, yeah, was 15 years often helped it it, you know. So making sure that you're just consistent would be my last thing is like, you don't need to be perfect, guys, you don't need to get everything done. But starting again, after stopping for a long time is probably one of the hardest things you can do. So if you can just continue to do something every day, whether it's our programming one block of our programming, two blocks of our programming, or just some form of exercise, and you're taking a look at your overall activity levels, like just don't quit, because getting back on the horses is really hard.
Kyle Shrum 34:26
Yeah, just get the skip the boulder rolling, right? It takes, it takes a certain amount of effort to get it rolling. But then once once it gets rolling, especially, you know, it just kind of picks up at some momentum and just kind of keeps going. So just hold the standard, you know, and don't get into those don't get into those things that are going to try to it's it's just it's just, it's just little mind attacks, you know, I mean, that's all it is. It's just guerrilla warfare. Just fight against it.
Joe Courtney 34:54
On the reverse of that, if you're in your 30s Don't stop, right, right. Don't think of the 40s That's like, well, that's probably what my decline happened. So I'm just gonna, you know, watch my kids grow up and, and just do do dad stuff and be fine but no, establish your baseline, keep your baseline. And if you're just starting back up for a while, then slowly increase your baseline.
Jerred Moon 35:16
Well, I have worked with a lot of those athletes, and that's why I'm kinda like, I don't have any buddies specifically when I mentioned these things. But I do see that oftentimes someone coming there normally like late 40s, early 50s, that I've worked with on like, an individual basis. And they're like, you know, they did kind of take a break, maybe there was something in there, but they are so busy with kids and everything, then all of a sudden, that made their kids go to college or like, get more involved in high school stuff. And they they're getting more time they're getting their time back. And they're like, Yeah, I do want to focus on fitness more. And so I see that happen a lot. And I'm just Yeah, I just don't do it is the only thing. Don't, you don't have to be perfect, but just don't take off that time. And if you're listening to this, and you're kind of like slipping down that slippery slope of comfort and mediocrity, just just stop. You know, you can, you can start back. Alright, let's get into topic, Joe. This might go fast anyway. So
Joe Courtney 36:11
yeah, non staple staple foods brown digging, the OG of non staple staple episodes. decided, you know, about a year ago, we had this, so why not bring it back? Because we've read what for nutrition books in this past year since we've done this. So maybe some things have changed. We all got on a big fiber kick. And I mean, I haven't seen any fiber posts in our Slack channel in a while. But you know, that happened. That was that was the cool thing to do for a little bit. But
Jerred Moon 36:43
I am gonna start posting my daily fiber.
Kyle Shrum 36:45
And the cool that I did is, I did what everybody
Joe Courtney 36:48
else is like, Ooh, look at this. And then like, dressing up your plates and making it look fine. And my bowl is just like a hot mess of deliciousness. But
Kyle Shrum 36:56
Joe just just proclaiming his superiority here. Well, yeah,
Jerred Moon 37:00
I just say, you know, I've never dressed up a plate that's just not Emily serves it. So I'm just Do you think that's fancy?
Kyle Shrum 37:10
It's a relative term anyway.
Jerred Moon 37:12
Yeah. All right. So what can you explain non staple staple? Yeah, so who's new to the podcast? Maybe? Name? So
Joe Courtney 37:19
it's like, when you go to a store? There's like, the Yeah, okay, good. You're starting story had your staples, you know, onions, potatoes. whatever meat you have for the week, there's just like staples that you put in food that you cook a lot of, or that like, hey, you know, we always needed vegetables. So we're just buying broccoli every week. But what are some non staple foods that you either maybe you make sure to have it once a week, maybe twice a month, maybe something that you like to have semi regularly or monthly, because it's either great for you or you just want to incorporate it more. That's kind of what I'm aiming for here that, you know, everybody wants to eat. You know, we get sweet potatoes every week. It's kind of a staple food. But what are some other ones that you also like to add in?
Kyle Shrum 38:10
And kick it off, Kyle? Oh, yay. Now that I know what it is no, I'm just getting anywhere it was. So especially thinking about some of the books that we covered recently. And trying to incorporate some more than that. Because as Jared says, if you read a book and you don't implement it, then it was basically wasted time. I've been trying to get some more probiotics in my diet. And the easiest way that I found for me is just kombucha. So I just, I've been drinking a little bit of kombucha, two or three times a week, just trying to throw that in and make that a little bit more regular. Because the team knows that, you know, I kind of went especially after we read that what was it? Was it fiber fueled? Was that the book that we read, where we all just kind of went crazy. Or
Jerred Moon 39:00
and it was like it except it was more about gut health. Right? Like it wasn't just increase in fiber. It was just like a lot of things for gut health in general that you could be doing.
Kyle Shrum 39:09
Yeah, and so I just tried some things I tried to kimchi, more than a fan. Sauerkraut wasn't a fan but was more fan than the kimchi. And I don't know, just Kombucha is just it's it's liquid. So just drink it. It's fun, works out. So I've been trying to just add some kombucha couple three times a week. Also, I've been experimenting getting back getting the out really severely limited carbs for a while just trying to get my migraines in check and things like that. And that's kind of what I've narrowed it down to but I've been kind of working those backhand over the last few months and so oatmeal and sweet potatoes have worked out for me pretty well. Not not experiencing any negative side effects from that. So that's helping me and it also helped me be on BCT and then some more carbs instead of like Low Carbon BCT not good. Not good mix wasn't great. So just tried to add some more of that into oatmeal and sweet potatoes have become a little bit more staple non staples, and then more greens as well. Just throwing on some especially spinach. Spinach is like my go to leafy green now. So I really like that. Yeah, more greens. And then supplements wise fish oil. I've been really trying to stay on top of that. Obviously, we don't do a whole lot of supplements around here. But fish oil is one that I've really stuck to the Carlson's brand, which I think Jared actually suggested on the podcast a long time ago, which is the reason why I got that one. But yeah, there's something
Jerred Moon 40:46
about fish oil is the hardest supplement to take consistently. I don't know why. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I don't have a problem. Like a lot of people go into like the burbs, I don't I care less. I don't I don't care about any of that. I just for some reason I can remember take athletic greens every damn day in my life. But for some reason, fish oil doesn't matter if I put in front of my computer, or next to my coffee machine. I always forget those damn things. But such we've already covered multiple studies that talk about fish oil. And it's like, the best thing for you on the planet. And it's so hard to take on regular basis. It's like, there's got to be some minute. There's like a psychology psychological thing going on there.
Kyle Shrum 41:23
Yeah. Well, and you can even you know, by the way, I just have a subscription with Amazon like I just think just send it to you. Every so often. You can choose how often they send it to you. Right. But it's, it's not about that it's about actually
Jerred Moon 41:37
taking it and you got a lot more than you.
Kyle Shrum 41:40
Yeah, you want with, you know, a couple different shipments of it. And you're like, holy crap. This is a Toner official.
Joe Courtney 41:46
So what's the expiration date on?
Kyle Shrum 41:47
Yeah, all right. So anyway, those are my nine staples, Staples now, Joe?
Joe Courtney 41:55
Yeah, so I think first time I you know, I mentioned cabbage and like brussel sprouts, I definitely have those on a regular but now it's like, I'm having some sort of cabbage or brussel sprouts or both every day. That's just how it is.
Jerred Moon 42:08
Your non staples have become staples. Oh, yes, this
Joe Courtney 42:10
is not a staple. Well, I was I was I was segwaying and prefacing that. I said this before it is because
Jerred Moon 42:17
I ruined my bed. I didn't read your notes. I just You had me there already.
Joe Courtney 42:25
But yeah, cabbage and sprouts. But I think if you're not eating those, you should make it one of your non staple staples. We always also have tart cherry juice on hand. We've brought this up several times and on the fueling just go
Jerred Moon 42:41
to brand there.
Joe Courtney 42:43
Have no idea what bottles white
Jerred Moon 42:48
autos white? Okay, I'm going to I'll go down with that.
Joe Courtney 42:51
It was on it was on a we got on Amazon.
Jerred Moon 42:55
I think I know. It's when you're talking about like the most popular one on Amazon. It's organic. Yeah,
Joe Courtney 42:58
yeah, it's really it's pretty large. They'll last a while because you only put like, three, four ounces or whatever in a cup. Is it a concentrate? Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Because I will. I'll put some of that in some like, mineral water, like bubbly mineral or water and maybe even some electrolytes. And it's just like my super drink. So that I always have on hand to regularly have chilies. You know, I always like spicy food. But actually cooking with chilies always works up the sweat. It's great stuff. What else I have? No, I don't know why I've just never been that great about eating fruit. I just really, really cared about fruit if I want to. Because to me fruit, sugar, sugars, carbs. If I'm gonna have carbs, I'm gonna have some rice or some sweet potato because I'm a savory person, not a sweet person. But we've been keeping blueberries on hand more. And I'll have like a handful of blueberries. And when I especially if I want like any sort of sweet tooth or any sort of sweet, it'd be doing that.
Jerred Moon 44:03
Very should not be included in that sugary fruit. Category. True.
Joe Courtney 44:08
Because it's not even that sugary in the in the fiber. Yeah, they're really kind of
Jerred Moon 44:12
offsets it. Yeah, it's if you're talking about like eating a banana as your fruit or a couple of bananas. Yeah, that's different.
Joe Courtney 44:19
I can't remember last time I had a banana yesterday.
Jerred Moon 44:23
Sorry. I had one.
Kyle Shrum 44:27
Banana. I know this one was the weekend. Actually. I have one on Saturday. So
Joe Courtney 44:33
let's just make banana bread, like gluten free banana bread.
Jerred Moon 44:36
This is why people are here. By the way. This is yeah, that's it. Yeah.
Kyle Shrum 44:40
Is it people what they want? When's
Jerred Moon 44:40
the last time Grenada? Bananas? Yeah.
Joe Courtney 44:46
Being overseas like so back in the States, we never had any dairy. But being over here, we actually get like Greek yogurt and other stuff because the source of dairy is better. So we're actually like, I've started to have Greek yogurt like once or twice a week. And even like this week, we started to make some where you soak the yogurt in some muesli stuff, and it has like a lot of fiber. So I'm getting a lot of fiber and probiotics there and some protein. So stuff like that has been really great because if I can make like a big batch of it, and then I'll just go in and take a few scoops out, put some blueberries on, and maybe some higher fats type of granola. And that's like a fantastic snack with all kinds of stuff loaded in it.
Kyle Shrum 45:26
And blueberries go really well with stuff like that with yogurt or without put them in oatmeal as well. They go really well with that kind of stuff. Do you happen to get berries in instead of just like eating them straight? If what if like, you're saying you're not like really a sweet person makes me want something else.
Joe Courtney 45:42
Blueberries or just throw anything. I whenever I have like a, because what will keep some some bread on here, whether it's like a sourdough, or something or Alisal make like an oat like, oh, flour bread. And I'll put a nut butter on it and then put some blueberries on top of that. Fantastic. So these are like things that I do every couple a couple of times a month or a couple times a week. now and then but it's not like I'm easy to everyday like, like my cabbage. And I actually do wish I could find kimchi here, but for some reason I cannot.
Kyle Shrum 46:16
I'll send you some. I'll get as much of it away from me as possible. I
Joe Courtney 46:19
mean, it's it's already aged and rotten. So you might say I'm thinking getting worse.
Jerred Moon 46:23
Just have more good stuff. Yeah, just bacteria. It's better
Kyle Shrum 46:27
on its own.
Joe Courtney 46:28
Sounds legit. Alright, Jared.
Jerred Moon 46:32
All right. This one's always difficult for me, because I feel like my entire fridge and pantry are non staple staple foods. And that's just like, all the healthy stuff Emily buys, that's not a part of my regular diet. Because like I have, like the set things that I eat. And so if I just want to go find something fun, that's like a non staple, I just need to like open the fridge in Oh, cool. I haven't had that thing in a while.
Joe Courtney 46:52
Well, what they mean, since fiber fuelling before that you went from, I'm gonna eat the same exact vegetable every single day of my life to me, you know,
Jerred Moon 47:00
I was I was gonna get into it. I was just saying, like, we have a lot of like, stuff that I typically, you know, I'm not always on my radar. But that was my biggest point. So having read fiber fueled that did change. I think my mindset about like rotating, like, I still have a shake, you know, nearly every day. And I try and cycle what kind of leafy greens are going in that. So I do, like Kyle have a lot of spinach. But I also try and cycle that through other stuff. And I sprouts has this stuff that's like power greens that has like three or four different leafy greens in it, too. But that's more of like a staple these days. But I have made a lot of changes based off of fiber fueled fish oils, one that I kind of talked about Kyle brought it up, but like that is one for me. I'm really trying to get better about taking fish oil for a lot of reasons. But I always forget, it's so hard. I think it's because it says take with a meal, mine says take with a meal. And that's like, well, if I don't take it first thing in the morning, I'm not eating in the morning, so I forget about it. So fish oil is definitely one of those tart cherries on my list as well. I've recently started doing that, again, a lot of the fermented foods, I'm not I don't hate them as much as Kyle they're just not like a they're not something I think about but I actually really do enjoy. Sauerkraut, like I think that's really good. And it's got a lot of good probiotic stuff in there. So I've been trying to take a little bit more of a gut focus with my non staple staple foods. One thing I did start taking or adding to my shake occasionally is psyllium husk. And so I got my bloodwork done this past summer, and my cholesterol was on the high end, it wasn't like scary or anything. And again, we can people can debate like whether or not cholesterol really matters like my functional med doc wasn't concerned about it at all. But the people who processed the bloodwork recommended like oatmeal or psyllium husk to take on a regular basis to help reduce the cholesterol I was like, I just want to kind of see if this works. And so I'll take it probably three times four times a week in a shake. And then I'll get my bloodwork done here in like another six months and if nothing changed, I'll never touch stuff again. And then if it did cool, what a fun experiment. I do think similar to Kyle I've started I've increased carbohydrate consumption over the last six months oatmeal has made start to make a regular appearance in my diet, where previously I wouldn't have touched it just for staying away from carbohydrates in general. So that's about it. Things that increase the health of my gut, some supplements psyllium husk fish oil, tart cherry juice. So super, super boring, boring things overall on my list, but you know, I think we paint a pretty good picture of we're just trying to be healthy here at garage gym athlete and we're not really doing anything else. I I mean, I have the occasional burger and french fries. And I think that you got to run a little diesel through the engine every once in a while. That's a non staple staple food. But I absolutely love a good cheeseburger with like bacon on it and french fries. I don't do that on a daily or weekly basis by any means. But I'll definitely like Joe's coming down in a few weeks. That's what we're doing. Like that's, that's what we'll do. And it'll be nice, but you know, that's another non staple staple food just so people know I'm not a not a robot. I like eating some of those things, too. I definitely don't have a sweet tooth though. I you could offer me any pie or cake in the world. And I'm easily No thank you. But you offer me a cheeseburger and now back well, we may have just become best friends. So anyway, yeah, that's kind of it. Any anything else?
Kyle Shrum 50:48
I'm the opposite on that. Give me all the sweets. It's hard. It's hard. It's a struggle for me. Also, in Texas, you can have brisket added to a cheeseburger.
Jerred Moon 51:00
We were so impressed by that. It was like a cheeseburger and they're like would think they actually asked him like, Would you like to add brisket for $3? And he was like, yeah, like a pause. He's like, wait,
Kyle Shrum 51:12
wait a second.
Jerred Moon 51:13
You want to add meat to my to meat burger.
Joe Courtney 51:17
Comes with a side of beef.
Jerred Moon 51:21
Yeah, we could put queso on top to do.
Joe Courtney 51:25
Well, I have tried to psyllium husk I've done before because I do quite for the cholesterol thing because I had the same thing where I went and it was like your normal range. But it's like high of normal. Everything else is like below normal or like low. But I also did read about I think it is a office of resistance starch or something. But it's good. It was supposed to be good for you and your gut. Pro tip if you do try it, you put it in a shake. Drink that shake immediately.
Jerred Moon 51:52
Have you Yes, yeah. For anyone who hasn't messed with that. I typically so one I put a small amount. Because when I looked at it, it was said the serving size was a teaspoon and I was like maybe four babies, and I put in a couple of tablespoons or something like that. And my shake immediately turned into like this gelatinous. Like, I couldn't drink it like it was no longer like it now. Yeah, it was definitely a putting after that. And so I made that mistake. And then otherwise now I put a very small amount in the shake. And I do tend to drink my shakes kind of fast. I don't chug it. But I also found with like how much stuff and liquid I put in there. A couple of grams of it won't be that big of a deal. But yeah,
Joe Courtney 52:34
it's a dude thing to do. Instructions. I don't need these don't tell me what to do. I put it in
Jerred Moon 52:39
there. It was like teaspoon, four grams. And so I actually measured things out in grams on my shake. And so I put in four grams, and it was just like a sprinkle of this stuff. And I was like, yeah, what this is this is not serving size for me like
Kyle Shrum 52:52
a grown man.
Jerred Moon 52:56
Yeah, so do be careful that stuff. Alright, we can get to the workout. You know what, what does it mean?
Joe Courtney 53:03
All right, it is fat, and sugar. And I'm just going to first say that we're this is the workout where we were making it up. And I was going back and forth with Jared and then Jared decided to ask Marco. And this is Marcos famous, well just do burpee pull ups with a vest on and it's like well, there goes the neighborhood. That's
Jerred Moon 53:22
what happened. And he has Joe Amelie hates his workout. Now,
Joe Courtney 53:25
I still have the original unedited version that I have on my watch. And I've done and I would still prefer that even though it takes longer than this one just out of spite, just just out of spite. But fat and sugar, repeat the following circuit, you have eight minutes of zone two. So bike walk or run bike walk whatever is zone two that is 60 to 70% of your max heart rate, then you will do two minutes. In zone four. For those keeping count there is a zone three in between there.
Kyle Shrum 53:57
That is you always have to highlight,
Joe Courtney 54:00
oh, this is what this is where the if they're not penalty burpees thinking from two. So two minutes in zone four or greater of burpee pull ups, so that is 80% or higher. So that means at the end of your eight minutes of Zone Two, you have to go from 70 to 80. And you will do this for the two minutes of zone four until you have accumulated 100 burpee pull ups. But oh and competitors were the best. But after you finished your 100 Pull Ups, you will do five minutes recovery. During this period tally up how many minutes you spent outside of zone four to four or five. So zone three, and that time spent every minute time spent will do 10 burpees and you're capping yourself at 100 burpees. So that means if you end up with you know six, seven minutes of zone three or one, which you probably shouldn't do jog down to one. So zone three, then you're gonna be doing 60 to 70 burpees. Afterwards, just regular burpees not with the vest.
Jerred Moon 55:09
If you press the gas hard, from two to four, you might finish the entire workout with no additional purpose. Because you can just jump as long as you're under the 62nd threshold in total. You're fine. No, no additional burpees
Kyle Shrum 55:27
Yeah, press the gas on your press the brakes on your recovery to like just come to halting stop going back down to two. I think that's where it gets people is coming from, it's not going from two to four. It's, it's especially doing burpee pull ups, like it's, you're gonna get up to four pretty quick and, and then but it's coming back from Ford back down to two. And so I think that's where people it takes time.
Joe Courtney 55:51
I actually think you need a defibrillator to actually complete this workout without burpees that's just me.
Jerred Moon 55:55
I'm gonna I'm gonna film it being done. I'll show you how it's done.
Joe Courtney 55:59
There. All we need is like the
Jerred Moon 56:02
I can't remember I was pretty low. I mean, I think I was I do think I did additional burpees. But I camera what it wasn't may have been like, two minutes or something like that, though.
Joe Courtney 56:10
I think I saw some people 30 or something.
Jerred Moon 56:12
Yeah. Tips, I'll jump in first, I'll let you guys take the end here. But this is an educational workout. And that was the main reason I wanted to put it together is because we talked a lot about zone two training and then also just Zone training in general. And then what fuels are associated with your different levels of intensity. So I think calling it fat and sugar just really helpful because you're you you're burning fat, you're oxidizing fat more in a zone to now this isn't like, this isn't a scientific workout to where we want you to burn fat and sugar specifically, that's just what's happening. And that's what the research backs up. And so that's my biggest thing, biggest takeaway for this is realize what intensity burns fat and realize what intensity is burning sugar. And if you are concerned about how much you are burning more fat mass, then take a look at these different intensities. And maybe should be like a workout, I should just hand to CrossFitters to make them realize you guys almost never burn fat. You know, like you're you're just here, your sugar burners, like you're just like burning today, sugar over and over again. So it's an educational thing to help you understand how fuel is related to different levels of intensity. So no that other than that, I think I think we said you can't come down from zone four by like laying down, right? Like we I don't know if that was written. Because technically, if you get to like zone five, let's say which is very intense, and you need to come back down to zone two, you could just sit for eight minutes, if if your recovery is not there, right, you know what I mean? Like? You guys know, I'm talking about okay, yeah. So you could just sit in your, your body would be in zone two, but you need to be moving. Yeah. So I do think that we eliminated that, because that is like, technically what you do. So just find that moving pace that would get you back to zone two, it's probably just me really slow. So in nature, so yeah, that's, that's it just more of an educational side. And also do less than you think you have to end zone two, probably. And maybe stay away from zone five. I know. He said you can go there. But if zone five does become this, like once your body gets there, the how good you are recovering is a major factor. And you you might know whether you're good at recovery or not, that's also like an assessment level of your fitness. But if you get up to zone five, that's super taxing on the body. And so to get back down to zone two is very challenging. So I'd want to stick the higher intensity stuff in zone four. That way I could come back down to zone two pretty fast.
Kyle Shrum 58:51
Yep. Yeah, I think another reason and we do in the breakdown, the official breakdown, we do specified anytime and zone one, also go counts towards your burpees at the end, which my thinking is people trying to strategize especially like what you're talking about why you can't just sit down, right, if you sit down for eight minutes, you're probably going to get back down to zone one, I think pretty much everybody in eight minutes, you'll be even beyond zone two. So you need to be moving. And so as long as you're moving, I think you'll stay out of zone one for the most part. But I think there are some people in the community that could still be moving even slower, even if they're moving slowly and still go to zone one. So you have to keep yourself in zone two, because zone one also, it's not just like, let's just rest as long as we can until we have to go hard for two minutes. Again, it's like you have you have to strategize it properly. So being in zone two, that's where the fat burn comes in. Make sure that you're sticking to your zone. So I think there are some people out there who would have to be aware of zone one. So, zone one time count sorts of burpees at the end as well. Also, there's no timeframe On the burpees at the end, there's a rep cap. So there's 100 100 burpees at the end. So there's no Tonka, you got to finish those burpees at the end,
Jerred Moon 1:00:09
like five or six minutes. Yeah.
Joe Courtney 1:00:12
Yeah. I think it'd be interesting for this workout is just anecdotally for the experienced people that are that have done this before kind of doing it again, time is always something that you that that's good to look at with with some of these workouts ever wants to improve their time. But I think it would be interesting if you tracked the eight minutes of zone to distance and see how your distance compares. Now, you might end up doing a one less set of it. But I think that would be interesting to see if, especially because you have to come down and recover. So you're you're going to be spiked up there. It's one thing to, you know, we do our zone two runs. But if you're mixing in this stuff, then that's really going to test how you recover and how your heart rate gets down. Yeah, that'd be pretty interesting, I think.
Kyle Shrum 1:00:58
Yeah, that's kind of that's kind of why we do the zone to Murph as well, right? That's what we're looking at is like, how much work? Can you get done in that time? Staying in zone to the whole time? You know what I mean? It's not just about your time at all, it's about or just your roll time, it's about, you know, how quickly can you get stuff done while staying in zone two?
Jerred Moon 1:01:18
Yeah, and and recovery time is an established level of fitness assessment, like that's, that's one way to see how fit, you are outside of, hey, go run this as fast as you can. Because if I say, this happens a lot, let's just say with younger athletes going back to that mentality thing, who have like a lot of grit or whatever. And I used to do this in the Air Force early on with a mile and a half run. Now, I could run a mile and a half in nine minutes. But the aftermath was super disgusting, compared to what it is today. And I don't mean, actually gross, it's just like, I was dead. And I bet if you tracked my heart rate, like it was probably at 190, for nine minutes, I just went as hard as you could go. And then I bet I probably took me 30 minutes to fully recover from that. And like my heart rate was in the like, probably 170s for a while finally gets in the 160s. Like, that's just such a taxing thing on your body. Today, if I were to do that, I don't know if I could actually run it that fast. But let's say 915 920, something like that. I would probably be recovered within a few minutes after it was complete, like, probably three to four minutes, because I'm a lot fitter, you know, and so some sometimes time doesn't matter as much, like how fast you can get done. Unless you're actually competing against someone and something that's the only time it actually matters. So how fast you recover is huge. Because if you're not an experienced athlete, or you don't train that often, and you go really high intensity, your recovery takes a very long time. And that's normally a factor that you should look at is like, Okay, I just went really hard. And I don't feel recovered for a long time. That will change as you get fitter. But it's it's something definitely to note, and you could even do this after just regular training sessions be like, Okay, that was intense. I'm just gonna sit here, how long does it How long does it take for me to get back to zone one? Is that 45 seconds is that 11 minutes? You know, that's a good assessment of your, your fitness level.
Kyle Shrum 1:03:11
Yeah, it increases your work capacity, you know, decreasing your recovery time increases your work capacity, being able to do more work in in less amount of time. That's, that's what you're looking for. And that's what recovery time helps with. So yeah, absolutely. Being able to recover properly. That's what we're, it's not just about doing the work, it's about recovering properly. So you can continue to do the work and do more in a shorter amount of time.
Joe Courtney 1:03:37
Last thing to note is because this is a lot of heart rate tracking, I believe we said in the past that if you aren't tracking heart rate, you don't have a heart rate monitor tracker, then you're just doing 100 burpees.
Jerred Moon 1:03:48
Yeah, there's a punishment. That is where it's a punishment you punish if you don't have. Yeah, it's a very useful tool. You really, really should.
Joe Courtney 1:03:59
You can also do your burpee bulls and some three. So enjoy that sucker. Yeah,
Jerred Moon 1:04:03
yeah. I've already monitor you don't really know what you're doing. So just do the work. Yeah. And then Junior 100 burpees at the end. All right. Well, that's it. That's all we got for this week. You know, everyone following the programming and whether you are one of our middle of the road, aged athletes. You're not old. And you have no excuses. That so I'm just going to tell you all that no excuses. But honestly, thank you all so, so much for being one of our athletes. We're here to tell you like it is and this was the science today. But we do enjoy having you guys around and making the community what it is. And it's really awesome. For anyone who's not a part of the community, go to garage Sign up for a 14 day free trial and see what it's like see what it's like to train all the different energy systems and strength methods and everything else there is on this planet that no one else is doing. Because we really care about our programming So that's it for this week and remember if you don't feel comfort comfort will kill you
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