Carbohydrates - Weekend Warrior Fueling Series Part 1 of 3

Hey, Athletes! Have a big race coming up? Want to know how to fuel up on carbohydrates properly? Then check out this week’s episode!
Episode 118 of The Garage Gym Athlete Podcast is up!
Carbohydrates - Weekend Warrior Fueling Series Part 1 of 3
On this week’s episode the fab four are back at it again! For this week’s study they are breaking down one very large study and breaking it up into 3 different parts. This week is all about carbohydrates! The coaches do a deep dive on this one and give you plenty of great points, applications, and of course, ways to kill comfort! For this week’s topic each coach goes over their most recent meet yourself moments. Some are mindset and others are on daily training so make sure to not miss these. This week’s Meet Yourself Saturday workout is The Confused 2K. Lots of ways to meet yourself with this one so make sure to get some good tips and tricks to tackle it!
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Study of the Week
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To becoming better!
Jerred Moon 0:03
All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the garage mathlete podcast. We have the team here. The core team, Ashley, Kyle, Joe, myself, everyone, how's it going?
Kyle Shrum 0:15
Good brand.
Ashley Hicks 0:17
Jerred Moon 0:19
We should just get right into it, then.
Joe Courtney 0:21
Oh, yelling on the bus,
Jerred Moon 0:23
I want to talk about what this is what we're talking about. We are doing a three part series, and we're calling it the weekend warrior fueling series. This is part one of three. Because it's a three part series. And today is all about carbohydrates. And the purpose behind this series or over the next three weeks is just to dive into fueling strategies a little bit more for your weekend events. Not so much your garage gym athlete daily training, we might mention that here and there throughout this but that's not the not the intent because it's just not as applicable. We're really just talking about what considerations should you have. If you're stepping to something with a Spartan Race or tough mudder go ruck either half marathon marathon ultra endurance event, things that you should be considering for your fueling strategies. Because one thing I've learned the hard way, a lot of our athletes who I've talked to have also learned the hard way is the lack of a fueling strategy going into these events because most of them are going to be over an hour. It's I actually don't know of any events that are less than an hour. How long does a Spartan sprint take? I don't even know it's up maybe five? And then a 5k 5k with off school so is it still like probably like 40 minutes? Yeah,
Ashley Hicks 1:45
less than an hour for sure. Yeah, his own
Kyle Shrum 1:46
when you get to go if you're behind it all right people and you know Spartans
Joe Courtney 1:51
five K's like six miles. Yeah.
Jerred Moon 1:54
So really, we're talking about things longer than that, and which are going to be most events, I'm not signing up for anything that's gonna be less than an hour, because I feel like that's just a waste of time. So anything we're gonna, we're gonna be getting into all of that, and having that fueling strategy, because if you are one of our athletes, you probably don't think about fueling that much in your daily training, like we're talking about. And so when you do walk to one of these events, on a Saturday or Sunday, you're gonna slapped right in the face, because you just didn't realize that it was more important than you realize. And so today all about carbohydrates. The name of the study is nutrition and supplement update for the endurance athlete review and recommendations. And it was done in 2019. And so this week is carbohydrates. I think next week, we're going over protein, and then we'll be talking about hydration and supplementation. So those are the direction we're going. But today is all carbohydrates. And I just have I have so much I just have so much. I could I've pulled and that's the reason we're also breaking up one study into multiple that I, I'm almost overwhelmed, I might just say nothing. So I'm kidding. We have studies from 1980 to 2018. They had some criteria, because it is a review. It's not a meta analysis. They ended up with 52 total studies. And then they come out with all these recommendations. Ultimately, carbohydrates for moderate high intensity, ultra endurance, they talk about that. We talk about pre competition, so loading, and then they also talk about fueling during competition. And so let's go topic by topic, as opposed to jumping just through Hey, what did you think about everything that had to do with carbohydrates? So section 3.1 in the study, if anyone did want to read or follow along that chance, right, that's why they're listening to us talk. So 3.1, we're gonna go over 3.1 just carbohydrates section, where they have general recommendations based off of your activity level. So what did you all think of that? carbohydrates in general, and some of the recommendations
Joe Courtney 4:01
super high. Yeah,
Kyle Shrum 4:02
I feel like they recommend a really, really high amount of carbohydrates. Especially for they break it down by how much training you're doing in a day. So if you're doing an hour a day, it's five to seven grams per kilogram of body weight. I calculated that for myself. And so that's like the lowest right? I calculated that for myself, and that would be 400 grams of carbs per day. And I'm just like, Man, that's a lot. But so I'm
Jerred Moon 4:29
185 pound male, and that came out. So that's 84 kilograms, which came out to 420 on the low end, and 588 grams on the high end, and that's just for moderate exercise. Yeah, one hour
Kyle Shrum 4:41
a day. Yeah, that's one that's an hour training session per day. So that's the low end. So that is that just kind of blew me away. But that there again, we have to think about the fact that we're, we're putting this in a very specific frame and very specific mindset that you're training for a specific thing, that it's not just Our regular, normal everyday programming, like we're talking about specifically, endurance events that are lasting 90 minutes or more. So that just kind of that just kind of stood out to me like, I just calculated that and I was, Oh, well, that's a lot of carbs. But
Jerred Moon 5:16
yeah, and I can jump into the numbers on those real quick just for to put in perspective, they ultimately came out with three. So it's moderate, which was an hour day, and it's five to seven grams per kilogram, they did high intensity exercise, which they classified as one to three hours per day. And that's around six to 10 grams per kilogram a day. So 185 pound male again, for me, what are you 504 grams on the low end to 840 grams on the high end. And then ultra endurance, which they classified as four to five hours of moderate to high intensity exercise every day, may need up to eight to 12 grams per kilogram of day, which again, 185 pound male would be 672 grams to 1008 grams of carbohydrate. And to put that even more in perspective, if I'm consuming 1008 grams of carbohydrates, carbohydrates, or four calories per gram, I'm consuming 4000, over 4000 calories of just carbohydrates before we even talk about fat or protein in my diet. So that is insane. It is a lot so much. I'm not trying to like, I've also never worked out for five hours a day, every day of my life. I do know when I have done like 100 miles cycling rates are these longer ones, I could easily eat 6000 calories a day, and it's not a problem. So I'm not saying these people are wrong. I just have never, I've never experienced that level of activity on a repeated basis in my life. So in in perspective of like, holy crap, how could I ever eat 1000 carbohydrates in a day, that's what I'm thinking about my average day working, you know, one hour training session. But if we're talking about an ultra endurance event, hey, maybe that's that's perfectly okay. Because to be honest, if you're doing an ultra endurance event, you're probably not actually going to consume that much protein or fat that day, you probably just won't even be able to. So it will be predominantly carbohydrate heavy on that day. So yeah, really, really crazy. recommendations. What else? Anything else? You guys pulled out from carbohydrates in general?
Joe Courtney 7:16
Yeah, I'm sorry. Nope, so. Okay, so the one last part was that they found and when we were looking at, you know, this ridiculous amount of carbs, because then you still have to get your fat. And they still even looked at the fact that even after glycogen depletion happened, they found that endurance athletes can still run for two and a half hours 60 to 66% of their via to max so that is becoming fat adapted after that, which to me was like a nod of, so you really don't need that many cars, especially because in longer durations, you're probably going to be at a lower, you know, zone to high zone to low zone to zone anyway. So yeah, it's, it was it was shocked with all the all the high cards that was cool to see towards the end, they still acknowledge that, okay, even when you are depleted, because you're going to go for much longer durations. And if you do sustain a, you know, zone two, then you can, you can still go longer, even after you are, have been depleted for glycogen.
Jerred Moon 8:24
Yeah, and that's something I wanted to hit on for the athletes as well, was the fact that we do a lot of zone training. If you have a heart rate monitor, we're always putting that in there and our training, what you should do, how to manipulate it. And that is something that you should know when you go into a race that, yes, you can completely deplete your glycogen stores, which would kind of suck To be honest, I've done it before. That's what they call an ame, put it in the article hitting the wall or bonking when you run out of glycogen. So that's why they recommend consuming carbohydrates during which we'll talk about in a few minutes, but you can transition down to this zone two, and they're saying that they can people can do it for an additional 2.5 hours, but they're saying after their glycogen depleted if you went into a race saying I'm going to stay in zone two, I mean, you can stay in zone two. If you're still fueling until you don't feel like moving anymore. That makes sense. Like there's no real cap on how long you can move when in zone two. That's why humans have been able to do such amazing things, like crossing continents and other stuff is because we can go at low intensities for very long periods of time. But when you burn through your glycogen stores really fast. You will run out of energy and it sucks. I used to do it almost every time I got on my bike until I learned a little bit more about how my body works specifically in like where my glycogen stores are probably at. So yeah, you can maintain zone two for a long time. And typically race day is supposed to be a high zone two zone three day like that you're not it's not supposed to be zone four, zone five, like zone four and zone five In an endurance race would be your push at the end. If you do still have those glycogen stores left, that's where you would see some zone forms of zone five. So if you're training for like a 5k, or let's just say, the middle tier, like Spartan Race, though, it's not like Oh, crap is let's game day, let's go zone forward, you're going to burn out so fast. And so try to stay in zone two, zone three, if you're wearing a heartrate monitor, and and monitor that throughout. So you staying in those zones will help you, you know, not burn through your energy stores as fast.
Alright, well, I had a few more things on carbohydrates, Does anybody else have anything, cuz I jump into some other things that I found interesting, that they just kind of touch on. One is fat oxidation. So your body does switch to burning fat when you run out of glycogen. But a big thing, if you look at all the research on this, you burn what you eat, your body is not your body's awesome, but it's not your body gets adapted to what you run it through. And so your body will use more fat if you consume more fattening, less carbohydrate, it'll use more carbohydrate if you consume more carbohydrate and consume less fat so that your body's just gonna do whatever you eat. There's not like this ideal. That's why I hate when people on the keto side act like it's no fat as the ideal fuel. It's not necessarily the ideal fuel, it's just a different fuel, and it can be utilized very well. But you'll burn more fat if you're a keto athlete, because you're eating more fat, it's not good. It's not as magic thing, it's just like, right, that you'll just burn more because you're eating more of it. But it is a phenomenal fuel. In the lower intensities. Fat in general is. And that's one thing I wanted to hit. But another thing, and this is the most interesting, they barely covered it. But lactate utilization. So muscle cells, I'll take it directly from what they they state muscle cells use carbohydrates, anaerobically for energy, so without oxygen, producing lactate as a byproduct, but then burn the lactate with oxygen to create far more energy. So to put that in perspective, if you have if you're driving your car, you know you drive your car, and then exhaust is coming out the back end right, the exhaust is our lactate. But what our body can do is kind of channel what's coming out the exhaust back to the engine and feed it back into us being able to produce more work. Unfortunately, our cars can't do that. But we can do that. That's how phenomenal The human body is like we're using this waste by product that we didn't even know probably until around 2006 timeframe that we're taking that lactate and throwing it back in to be able to utilize it as fuel and it's actually an incredibly efficient fuel source when the body has a the ability to use it. The asterisk here is you have to train yourself to be able to use that you have to you have to produce lactate in your muscles regularly to expand your mitochondria to become a fitter individual who can use lactate as a fuel. This isn't like, hey, I've never been I haven't you know we're going couch to marathon here and then you do marathon this weekend, your body's not like oh thanks for all this lactate and start using it. Your body's not gonna know what the hell to do with the lactate and it's just gonna burn and you're just gonna your body can't shuttle it into your muscles or the liver or any organs and so you just you can't use it. So the only way to actually take advantage of this lactate utilization is to become a fitter human being. The best way to do that is to follow garage mathlete programming, where we will make sure that you see enough lactate threshold training on every single month to where your body becomes more efficient utilizing that lactate for fuel. So that one's really interesting and I think something that shouldn't be overlooked when you feel that burning in your muscles. It's best to get better at this through interval training. So when you feel that burning, taking a break, letting your body deal with it like deal with the body, take that lactate do something with it and you keep doing those intervals over and over again. You will get better at using that lactate for fuel you don't talk to your body like that when you're training cow
Ashley Hicks 14:02
know if he was on hard to kill he wouldn't talk to his body like that yesterday.
Jerred Moon 14:06
That's like the whole conversation. Just my whole training session. Deal with it its legs
Kyle Shrum 14:12
maybe that's the difference. We're gonna talk about yourself moments here in a minute so
Jerred Moon 14:20
Alright, let's get to 3.1 point one this is pre competition loading. So we just talked about carbohydrates in general, maybe how much you should consume now loading before an event. What are your thoughts on loading
Joe Courtney 14:34
I didn't think it was a thing anymore. Like you can only load so much. And I think it's true to a degree. I think sometimes people overemphasize the loading part and they just like gorge themselves but like you you're kind of capped at a certain point but also like reading this, you your your body does adjust to Super compensation so that your your liver and everything is adjusted as well. But you also have To remember that, you know, when you wake up in the morning, you still have to, you just slept and fasted for a while. So you still have to re re carb up. But the loading thing so I think it's good to do but shouldn't be over emphasized is kind of what I thought about it because you can only load so much. So, you know, maybe go above average of what you have been doing for the before race day. But you don't necessarily to gorge yourself, could you still have to have some before the race and then intro.
Ashley Hicks 15:30
So to kind of, like piggyback off of that, when people carb level, a lot of people like to do it the day before, or that's, you know, especially like, sports stuff. And I remember, even in soccer, we used to go to someone's house, and they would make us a meal every single time. So we didn't have to always just go out and buy meals, and it would always be spaghetti like spaghetti with like bread and whatnot. But this here says if you're going to actually use that whole carb loading mentality and actually use utilize it, it's same 36 to 48 hours prior. It's not saying 24 hours before. So I thought I found that very interesting to have like, you're gonna go for like that big carb load. Don't do it 24 hours before the race. And I like how they touched on the whole gi issues to which kind of made me think I'm like, Well, if people are having gastrointestinal issues, maybe we should loading back off on the amount of carbohydrates that you're consuming, because clearly your body is giving you an issue of like, Hey, I can't handle this. But yeah, I that was my point on this one, I guess.
Kyle Shrum 16:39
So I tend to do the Michael Scott method and just have a bunch of pasta, like, as I'm walking up to the starting line. And that's I think that's the I think it's the best way to do it. It's immediately available. Yeah, I mean, it's just right there. No, I'm just kidding. Don't
Jerred Moon 16:54
do that. In my next bike race. I'm going to show up. That was it or heard of carbo loading before
Kyle Shrum 17:02
the office? Like it was only
Ashley Hicks 17:04
two to 3% improvement.
Jerred Moon 17:06
And so that was my biggest. All of that
Ashley Hicks 17:09
was like, is the juice worth the squeeze for this one? Like, not even she was like a 25%? improvement? Sure. But two to 3%. I'm like,
Joe Courtney 17:19
oops, like that's,
Jerred Moon 17:21
yeah, I do not. So I think for people like us, the four of us, I'll say be just because I'm familiar with most everyone's diet, we don't have we're not following the carbohydrate recommendations here. Like I'm not consuming whatever my top end I said it was like 500 grams of carbohydrate today. I'm just not and I don't think anyone here is following that recommendation. And so for us, I do think some sort of topping off carbo loading would be beneficial. It doesn't have to be to this 10 to 12 grams per kilogram, you know, like, but more carbohydrates, let's just say more than you typically do. Like if I typically have no bananas, maybe I'll eat a banana, you know, like, just more carbohydrates than normal, but not like this, like, okay, seven bananas, because that's I want as many carbohydrates as I can get. You're going to be in like a diabetic coma if your body's not accustomed to dealing with that. So just think in your head, what's my normal diet, I'm going to consume more more carbohydrates than I typically would, you know, like Ashley saying 36 to 48 hours before you can start eating more if you typically have a more low carbohydrate, say low to moderate, like most of us do. That way you can start topping off those glycogen stores because that was my biggest takeaway, when I started really hard cycling, is that I think I run at this just super low glycogen state. Like I don't think my glycogen stores are ever close to being topped off. I think that if there was like a meter, I filled them up to like 20%. And they kind of stay there I worked out they dropped to like five. And so I'm just like in this like, low glycogen state. So to get a like completely fill up your glycogen stores, I would have to start several days out and make sure that they are completely full and that's to Joe's point as well. Your body can only start store so much carbohydrate and it's not a lot you can start to store a lot more fat than you can carbohydrates. So the whole idea of carbo loading is kind of funny, because one, there is a cap and two, as Ashley pointed out is only two to 3%. Like you could fall every recommendation they have and we're talking about two to 3% increase. So if your performance really matters, definitely tackle it. But my ultimate recommendation here for pre loading is just more carbs than normal and not because they give such a ridiculous range is like one to four hours prior to the event a single dose of one to four grams per kilogram. I'm like okay, so anywhere from 84 grams of carbohydrates to 336 grams of carbohydrate for me one hour before the race. Isn't Michael Scott like effort that's actually like a triple Michael Scott ever and like three servings of spaghetti before two hours before we start so it's a it's a big range but you definitely will need more carbohydrates and you typically are so there's some truth to this loading thing but it's not as necessary as some people would have you believe
Ashley Hicks 20:21
I'm trying to remember what did we do before the beast? We all took some of you it was a sweet potato something or other like we had we we all drink some carbs before we yeah
Jerred Moon 20:35
I have taken that multiple times I don't remember if you guys took some But yeah, I have a sweet potato supplement that I've taken. I've also played around with these other carbohydrate supplements can't remember that like you can is a popular one that I like or liked I try to stay away from carbohydrate supplementation these days because it feels kind of stupid just like ynap my car wasn't the easiest thing to get on the planet you know? But when you're in a race I feel like that's a little bit different but before it seems easier just eats fruit so yeah, definitely load up on carbs before but don't go crazy
Joe Courtney 21:08
well the Asheville one we had a smoothie but I think the beast thought we had or at least I had like a peanut butter sandwich. And then it was just like I know I like I know I just want something in my stomach. But it wasn't it wasn't going to be anything crazy because I knew every 45 minutes or so I'm going to be having like 100 calories.
Ashley Hicks 21:25
Salt biscuits.
Kyle Shrum 21:27
Yeah, the salt viscous. Yeah, I think I think I did something similar like a peanut butter sandwich and maybe a banana or something too. But But yeah, we had those Clif blocks and stuff for the fuelling part,
Ashley Hicks 21:39
which which segues into our next one.
Jerred Moon 21:43
So we're talking about during competition the fueling strategy for when you're in your event, and we're not talking about hydration which is almost equally as important so we're all carbohydrates today but we will be talking about hydration in this series because I want to dive into sodium intake when we get to hydration because I do think that there's there's a level of too much Oh yeah, definitely a level of too much sodium I've hit it. I think 50% of the longer races I've done I've taken in too much sodium but you're you're so scared to not that you know, you got to find this this fine line. So we'll talk about that when we get into hydration. But as far as fueling during the event, just eating if you listen to Chris Morgan's advice you'd be eating Big Macs or whatever from McDonald's as you run. I'm not advocating that but he does swear by it is Big Mac McDonald's, or is that burger and am I right? Yes, yeah. Okay. So yeah,
Kyle Shrum 22:37
Big Mac McDonald's.
Joe Courtney 22:41
Versus MC Yeah,
Jerred Moon 22:41
I'm not going to feel ashamed about my lack of password. But thank you Kyle. I really appreciate that.
Kyle Shrum 22:49
I don't know I felt like that's pretty common knowledge but okay.
Jerred Moon 22:53
Oh crap. Hold I just close this out. There we go. All right. All right. So duration fueling for the bet they in straight off the bat they say for events lasting under 60 minutes no outside carbohydrate ingesting is required. So if you're doing the Spartan sprint you're all right. Okay, but what else what else did we take away from ingesting carbohydrates during competition or the weekend warrior event?
Ashley Hicks 23:24
They're talking about the train low strategy I feel like we may all touch on this a little bit. But it is one that will train low strategy it's just said it was good for a period of
Jerred Moon 23:36
time. All right, Travis, I think we're gonna order a shirt we'd have to request at this point. Hey, we need the train low shirt man. Come on.
Ashley Hicks 23:46
Yeah, um, I thought it was interesting that all of the studies that was that they pulled for that because they said it was good for periods that are obviously in lower intensities. You know, hello, zone two we've just been talking about this versus having to be in that high intensity where you're burning glucose the entire time right? So it said that they all the studies that they pulled from it was always on in labs Oh, it was never in like a real life situation. Which I would feel I guess in the lab, they have all their stuff that they can like manipulate versus I guess in a real life situation it would be harder to do that. So I guess I get that. But my whole thing was car they talked about carb rinsing for people again that had gi issues and for events for an hour or less and so I felt like I don't know my takeaway for that was like I don't know if I would even do the carbon thing even if it was for an hour or less like of just swishing it in your mouth, I guess and just spitting it right back out. What did you guys feel on the carb wrenching? Basically, I
Kyle Shrum 24:49
feel like yeah, I feel like we're kind of talking this whole conversation especially like when, like earlier when we were talking about different, like, training intensities, and different You know, carb loads for training intensity, like we're talking about people at different levels. And so I think for some people like if you're first in it, like you're first starting out with like, you're starting to run longer races and things like that, these things actually might be a lot more helpful for you, if for nothing else, that placebo effect, because we like to talk about the placebo effect right about how it's a real thing. And like, if you feel like it's making you better, then on some level, it is making you better, whether it's actually doing what you think it's doing, or it's just putting you in a better mindset. And so I think for some people, especially when they first started out with doing endurance races and things like that, like, trying the things, you know, I mean, just trying all the things, it's like, here's the, here's the tips, you know, garage madly podcast, give me these tips, like, I'm gonna try them, you know what I mean, and I'm gonna see which ones work and so like, I think starting out, like the car brand, same thing could, you know, could work for you. But then I think you get to a certain level, you kind of work your way up to where you're like, well, I don't know if that was actually working for me or not. And but I'll keep doing it, or I won't do it, because I don't think it's actually working. So. But like, to your point about the lab, like I kind of feel like that's, it's almost like, I don't, I don't know if it's really like optimal, but it's just kind of like that mindset of, if we can do it in the lab, and we can hook people up to all the things, then we can measure all the things, this is like the optimal level of what we can push out of a human being versus somebody actually going in the field and running one of these races, like the way you're going to be able to track the things and measure the things that they're doing, it's not going to be as accurate as in a lab. But like, you have the lab like this is the line this is like this is as much as we can push out of a human being. So everything that happens in the field is just kind of up in the air. And we're gonna measure it against what we can do in the lab. And so anyway, that's kind of what I was thinking. But I think especially for people who are just kind of starting out with this stuff, like we're talking about people at different levels, you know what I mean? And so some of this stuff works, legitimately works, some of it just it's kind of in your head, I guess they would
Ashley Hicks 27:09
they could take like blood work prior to before and then blood right after something. They could stop them in the middle of the race and be like, hey, let's take
Jerred Moon 27:20
Yeah, I know they actually do blood lactate levels as you're doing like a vo to max test and stuff. So you could find out I mean, that's a good way to find out what your lactate threshold is, and ultimately use more lactate in your fuel. But my take on carbohydrate rinsing we have covered on the podcast several times. And there's a lot of science behind it is effective, it is proven. But it does seem that it according to this research. Again, it says may improve performance by two to 3%. And high intensity greater than 70% A vo two max. So again, for some reason we're talking about two to 3% increase here. I think carbohydrate rinsing has a great place reserved in your daily training. So like use it if you feel like and this is where I normally recommend it is if you are a morning training person. But then you're also telling me, this is what happens to me as a coach a lot of time and I guess question is people put you in the impossible situation. Like they want an answer. But they have eliminated all solutions from the start of their question. They're like, Hey, I bonk every morning when I work out, okay, immediately we know it's nutrition related, they're like, but I absolutely cannot eat before I work out because it'll hurt my stomach and it's like, okay, you have a nutrition related problem that can't be fixed with nutrition. Let me carburetor in saying we actually finally have a solution for that. So if you are in that situation where you train in the morning, I think and you can't eat before then swish some Gatorade around, spit it out and it's going to help you get through those sessions. I think that's the best part to use it. I don't think I would ever actually use carbohydrate rinsing in a long race personally, because I just want the carbohydrates I want them. I want them in there. And this train low state is Yeah, like like Joe said it's just train low life like that's how we live life. So it's strategically involving lower intakes of carbohydrate and higher intakes of fat. Periodically training and low glycogen low glucose availability states may stimulate upregulation of fat oxidation pathway spare glycogen stores and may prolong time to exhaustion. They did say that there's some possible negatives they said In other words, train low may help improve an athlete's low gears maximizing fat oxidation to burning fat for prolonged exercise at lower intensities, but at the expense of losing the athletes high gear maximal glucose oxidation often needed during race situations. I disagree with them because I feel like the programming of the people that they're following is improper. And it's not because garage a mathlete is perfect or whatever. But we are well more a way more well rounded approach and it comes down to Do you systems probably than any other program out there. And so they're looking at endurance athletes who are primarily staying in this oxidative only pathway. I just think if you train enough glycolytic, you train enough oxidative and you see both enough times that you are still going to be able to maintain the high intensity, high intensity if you appropriately feel before the training session. And you'll also be able to operate these low gears are talking about this train low strategy is what I recommend for basically every athlete listening in your day to day lifestyle, and then really increased carbohydrate intake leading up to the race and the day of the race. This is exactly what Zach bitter does. Also, he's the guy who talks a lot about metabolic flexibility. We had him on the podcast A long time ago. He's a own he, um, he has a bunch of World Records now for endurance running, and most miles run 24 hours and things like this. He's pretty crazy athlete, but he is high fat, low carb, most of the time, coming up to a race, he significantly increases carbohydrates a lot during the race. And so for them to be like, man, we don't think is that good. It's like the world record holder is just proving your fact by his very implementation of the strategy, you're saying won't won't be good for athletes. So I think it's a phenomenal strategy for this train low, lower carbohydrates throughout the week, and then just load up and to whatever your GI allows.
Joe Courtney 31:25
Their refueling timing with seemed a bit excessive to me every 10 to 15 minutes. Like when we did events, we didn't do that. I don't think I've seen, you know, marathon runners, ultra ultra marathon, people refill that much. And you know, they recommended 30 to 60 grams per hour for less than two and a half hours, and then 60 to 70 grams per hour for more than two and a half hours, which is still on the high end. But I mean, they're high on everything. But still, that's a lot to fit in and need every 10 to 15 minutes, just like he I don't think that half the time they're going to be carrying all this around. So you're gonna stop it all their stations. I think on the Spartan Race, we did about 545 minutes, we were having those blocks an hour. Yeah, and we were only and I think we also learn somewhere or we're somewhat abiding by only consuming about 100 calories per serving like Max 100 calories, because if not, then your body's going to be using the energy to digest and you might just not a might be counter counterproductive.
Jerred Moon 32:26
Yeah, and they talked about the maximum amount of grams your body can use says carbohydrate oxidation peaks at carbohydrate ingestion rate of 1.0 to 1.1 grams per minute, due to maximal gi absorption at this rate. And they Alex Hutchinson talks about this in the book. And you're and they mentioned it here is like they're playing around with all these different types of carbohydrates because your body uses them differently. So like the difference between using, you know, like fruit sugar, you know, versus something more complex, and like fructose and glucose and just going back and they're trying to come up with these perfect fuels for endurance athletes as like more of a supplement that has like two or three different types of carbohydrates so your body can utilize them faster. And if you're at that level, to Kyle's point, then go for it, you might need that that would be you know, your the thing that might save you make you a bit faster, but for a lot of us, we're just trying to not bonk we're trying to maintain our performance throughout the entire event. And so if you are consuming some form of carbohydrate throughout the race, you should be fine. And I learned this the first time I did the 100 mile bike race. I think I stopped it like every station did I don't know why I just was like I had never done an event like that before. But they start out like there's a station like every mile to two miles and then by after mile 50 it's just like every 10 miles every 15 miles you get a break. And then I just remember stopping like the first four times and I'm like, what, why they're wanting a doughnut. Like why do we need Why do we need to stop so much, you know, and like, that's honestly what's happening in the first half of that race is like you're stopping. They've got Gatorade, they've got snacks, they got all this stuff. And it's just like this seems a bit excessive. But you know, people, they have things like that should be reversed. They have the they have doughnuts, and like all sorts of crap on the first couple of stops of that. Oh, it's race day, do whatever you want.
Joe Courtney 34:24
I think they have a 20 miler bracket so
Jerred Moon 34:27
well, that's what's funny, too, is all the people who are stopping eating those donuts are the people who are not doing the 100 mile version. Yeah, they're stopping at 20 they're stopping at 30. And they're like, yeah, they need three donuts before I burned my 200 calories for the day. So yeah,
Ashley Hicks 34:43
talk about gi issues. My gosh,
Joe Courtney 34:45
yeah. But I think the only time I would do the car breaks is like as an alternating between refilling and that's the only thing that I would probably integrate it is like an alternative but not like it's not gonna be a prime thing. It's just a, hey, I'm gonna do this in 15 minutes, maybe as like a holdover until They actually fuel. Yeah, it's one of the last things for that section was I was unsure why but I took them by surprise as saying that they should consume 10% less during heat. And that's because I feel like your heart rates gonna be higher. So consuming 10% less seems a bit I don't know, I mean, I think you might be a little bit more sensitive, maybe gi wise or intensity wise because of it. But I feel like you're gonna be burning more in the heat. Or, or it might because maybe because of just stomach volume, you need to drink more water, which, you know, we might find this out in hydration section, but you might be drinking more water. So your water and sodium so carbs, you might not stock might not be able to handle as much volume. But that was kind of curious.
Jerred Moon 35:52
I'm not going to find it on the spot. Here I have the book.
Ashley Hicks 35:56
I was like someone has a textbook out. So here we go. I
Jerred Moon 35:59
was I was brushing up on a few concepts before this.
Joe Courtney 36:04
Please break mental sweat to
Jerred Moon 36:06
the book that I really like, Oh, here it is. They just talked about calories in general. And that you should, you should consume 35 to 68 calories per kilogram of bodyweight. Cold hot is 40 to 75. And then just comfortable temperatures is 32 to 63. So the book I actually like to reference a lot is the end nsca is essentials of tactical strength and conditioning. So I've been through the T sack f certification. And the reason I like it over there CSCs or CSCs is pretty good too. Not from a programming standpoint, but we don't have the time not gonna get into that. What they what they do talk about is just they have a lot of, you know, science behind why things work. CSCs is all about training these elite level athletes, and to be honest, here is such a small percentage of coaches and people get certified. It's like, it's supposed to be the most prestigious certification, but I think it's the dumbest one. Because it's like oh, yeah, like, Okay, good. Good luck on getting that Michael Jordan or LeBron James to sign up with you. You know, it's anyway. So anyway, the T saquon is great because it's all about training, firefighters, military, and those are the most normal type of people when they get into like, what they should do when they're deployed and everything that might not be as applicable, but when they're talking about daily training and all this other stuff is the most realistic type of information they have. So I really like a lot of their recommendations, they still recommend the high carbohydrate stuff and everything else but they have very similar thing about consuming less one cold and I did find that odd as well. I think that's everything I wanted to hit on. So that's carbohydrates in general pre competition load up then fuel, our recommendation is going to be definitely train low and then just increase as you get closer. As far as actual tactical like what you should use I mentioned you can it's a little bit harder in the running races. If you have like water bottles you can mix but I think that's a good one. Fruit would be another good thing during the race to any of you have any other recommendations for what to consume during the race from a carbohydrate perspective.
Ashley Hicks 38:24
We use those little blocks. Yeah, the blocks.
Jerred Moon 38:30
The only con with the Clif blocks, like I mentioned is going to be the sodium so like we're that was like what I learned in that race was like, Okay, these are this is a great carbohydrate source, but every time I pop one of these I'm consuming too much sodium. Yeah, if I if I want to have the amount of carbohydrates I want I'm gonna have more sodium than I wanted, if that makes sense. So first trying to find some sort of balance with less sodium and pure carbohydrate is something that everyone should take into account too. And killin conferred on this
Kyle Shrum 39:04
overnight for me kaelin comfort would be just making an actual plan of that and that's kind of what they were kind of talking about, for the whole thing but like an actual plant when you're when you've decided to do one of these endurance events, take your nutrition and your fueling into consideration make it part of your training and make it like you're not just getting the session the training sessions in you're not just doing the workouts like all of it needs to go together. And especially when we're talking about like feeling during the race like you need to train that you need to train when you're doing training runs when you're doing whatever it is like you need to train carrying fuel with you and what that looks like and how that feels for you while you're actually doing it and so to me kill uncovered just do it but do the work, make, make an actual plan and experiment with things because like what we talked about, you know, I mentioned The Michael Scott thing, even in that show, like it's supposed to be convenient, right? And it's not actual advice, right? But it turns out really bad for him. Like eating a plateful Fettuccine Alfredo, right before you run a 5k terrible idea, you know, and they show that that it's a terrible idea even in this show. So make an actual plan would be my killin comfort.
Ashley Hicks 40:23
You should train with fanny pack on. That's how you should
Kyle Shrum 40:27
feel comfort by wearing a fanny pack. Throw your dignity out the window, we
Ashley Hicks 40:31
were the best people out,
Joe Courtney 40:33
I maintain.
Ashley Hicks 40:37
Mine was my killing covered. I said take our fuels course because I feel like that's a fabulous way to start out to it goes over much more than just carbohydrates. But take our fields quiz. And then I even put below that I just said prepare for race day. So practice some of these card methods. Before race day Don't just like jump right in. We always
Jerred Moon 41:01
should go is to meet yourself only then fasted. Why not?
Ashley Hicks 41:07
Good gracious. So now that's my feeling comfort, run a
Kyle Shrum 41:11
marathon without training. Jared did it
Jerred Moon 41:15
Joe Courtney 41:18
I guess fine would be let Marco train you.
Ashley Hicks 41:22
There you go. That's a meet yourself. And we just
Jerred Moon 41:25
talking about comfort in general I was
Joe Courtney 41:29
General, but so that means either just with him or endure, because he definitely hits those, those thresholds, lactic thresholds a lot in his training. And it looks kind of painful.
Kyle Shrum 41:45
I'm about to talk about indoor here in just a second.
Jerred Moon 41:49
But only two weeks, every day,
Kyle Shrum 41:52
so there it is, you just don't you just stole my whole thing.
Jerred Moon 41:55
My killing comfort is I kind of figured that three of you go that direction. So I had to pull up something obscure to not step on anybody's toes but become the the may turn your body into the machine that can use lactate as a fuel more regularly, that is probably much harder thing to do. And I talked about a little bit in the carbohydrate section is that your body can use lactate as a fuel, but you have to be the type of person who has the body that can do that. And you do that through training through interval training through hard training, through meeting yourself through getting to lactate threshold and letting your body experience and deal with that lactate. And it it's a huge benefit. It's like a like a secret weapon. If it was like trained or untrained. Not only is the person more trained, it's just like, if you restrict their calories to the same like the train versus going to be like my body's just reusing it's it's waste over here. And you're getting slower. You know, it's just like, it's unfair advantage. So train yourself to try and become that person, if you will.
Joe Courtney 42:57
Just in by day might sound cool, but like that threshold is even cooler.
Jerred Moon 43:02
And yeah, it's hard. Alright, so what's the topic for today?
Joe Courtney 43:06
recent mean yourself moments. So in our training, you know, we've mentioned it in a lot of you know, it's it's a common question that I will actually sometimes you ask it, but we Yeah, just meet yourself moments, whether it's on a meet yourself Saturday, or normal training or an event or something, but we always talk about it with the Saturday workouts. So what are some of your recent meet yourself moments? And you know, we'll just go to Kyle because he's already knew definitely halfway there. already got one leg in.
Kyle Shrum 43:39
Yeah, so speaking of the indoor track, shout out Marco. Uncle Marco. I decided to hop on the indoor track after BCT was over. And, um, yeah, the the programming is certainly different on the indoor track than the year that I spent on BCT. And yeah, that first week, it kicked my butt there were I was, I was very sore. I was sore in in places that I had not been sore in a while. And I was back to doing some things that I had not done for a long time. And yeah, I think day one, day one I hopped in, and I was like, Man, this really sucks. This is this is not how I'm used to training anymore. So yeah, this self taught. My self talk is different. Um, I'm not like dog and myself and like, stepping out of my body and yelling at myself, but just trying to just show that lactate leg Yeah.
Ashley Hicks 44:44
Are you even training Kyle?
Kyle Shrum 44:45
Yeah, no, right. Anyway, yeah, so recent meet yourself moment was was jumping back into a regular track after VCT finished up actually.
Ashley Hicks 44:59
Um, so Going with tracks I'm on harder to kill my recent one was the strength endurance day I think a lot of people had this I had to I knew it was coming because I also briefed for three block but I just I had to really I don't know why just like stare at it just kind of again mentally talk to myself hypo you are going to do this you will not put the barbell down you're gonna do this whole entire thing. And then of course like mentally Okay, what is the correct way for me to do here and like how do I not sandbag it but how do I not go so heavy that I've died and I have to like wreck it so for those not on the harder to kill track it was just this crazy day where we did a ton of reps. I think it was like 60 squats, and then 60 bench press and then 40 strict breasts and then or 60 strict press and then like 40 deadlifts or something like that anyways, it was pretty It was pretty crazy. But I think for me long, like long term and how it's still affecting me and I still have to like check myself because we talked a lot about don't go hardcore all the time. Right? So I have to if I've talked about it a ton on the podcast, lots of hormonal stuff going with me so still to this day if I do a training session that is not weighted. I have to tell myself it's okay it's still a training session so which is definitely a mental thing yeah it's a mental you
Jerred Moon 46:38
could be walking into Murph with no vest and you're like it's still a session
Kyle Shrum 46:43
Ashley Hicks 46:45
but I mean it's so sad cuz I feel like like even a conditioning day right? But now my conditioning looks so different like my conditioning I'm not tapping into that zone four zone whatever, you know, so I have to tell myself you know, this is for the long run right? You're in this for the long run. So you have to do this this way. And it still counts and it's still a training session and you're still doing good so keep it up. So yeah, lots of I'm trying to change my internal chatter because if I focus it on like you used to be able to do this like then it's no good right? Because it doesn't matter like I have to focus on where I'm at right now so that's my my meet yourself moments so far.
Kyle Shrum 47:26
We talked about that a lot too is like the high intensity all the time mindset you know people kind of feeling like they're taking an off day or taking an easy day or something like that when it's not like balls to the wall the whole time you know, so it's that's a really good point. Like it's it's training you know, yeah, all of it all of it is training
Ashley Hicks 47:45
and not to dog on CrossFit but I feel like that hasn't been ingrained in me because of so many years of like CrossFit coaches just getting in my face like you're not going fast enough you're not picking up the bar soon enough and like so like oh my gosh, like I'm not moving fast anymore what's wrong with me this is not real it's like
Joe Courtney 48:05
this This is terrible coaches.
Ashley Hicks 48:07
Oh gosh, I don't have enough time for that
Kyle Shrum 48:09
no, we can't you
Joe Courtney 48:13
guys from our past
Jerred Moon 48:15
I don't know why there's a problem with talking about CrossFit
Kyle Shrum 48:20
but Jared just kind of blacked out he went to another university
Jerred Moon 48:24
I'm agreeing with you I have no time
Joe Courtney 48:29
I guess for me i mean i think this cycle everybody's had their legs punished so an honorary like working out again when your legs are already it's already hard to go up and down stairs like oh hey cool we got you know a bunch of air squats and stuff today that's fun. But you know the heat really a lot of the work has I've had to do in the heat credit strength track it's been a lot of strength days so it hasn't been too too bad and I've been doing my some my intervals inside but when the temperature drops low enough as in like 110 degrees doing 20 and 32nd Sprint's and intervals outside running was rough especially because there's there's portions in the weather here where it's like the sun is beating down on you and there's absolutely no breeze and you're just completely dying it's like yeah, I'm resting right now but I'm I'm cooking in the sun is completely baked. So yeah, those are 100% because then it's like holy cow this moment like not even only halfway I don't know if I keep up this pace. It's so freaking hot right now and it's just constantly that debacle and I guess a throwback to merch burner as well because those that just a nod to it because that had a lot of days where you know, probably my best self two or three times a week because you think that this is not going to be that bad workout, but then it is
Ashley Hicks 49:53
a love hate those.
Joe Courtney 49:55
It's like yeah, it's like, oh, cool. It's Tuesday. You know, we only have we have like bodyweight stuff today and organize and run intervals as a whole Well, I did about 500 air squats and then I did 800 meter intervals. I don't know why I thought this is gonna be easy. This is a terrible decision since like 90 some degrees still.
Ashley Hicks 50:11
Oh man.
Jerred Moon 50:14
Yeah, so meet yourself moments for me. I don't know maybe that those those squats are pretty close. But I think I went into them fairly prepared mentally. But
Ashley Hicks 50:27
they but you wrote it. I hope so.
Jerred Moon 50:29
Yeah, I mean, by the end, it was because I completely misjudged the weight on the first set. So I was like, it's not bad, I was like, you need to make it bad. So I increase the weight
Ashley Hicks 50:42
to share my weights with you so you can kind of knew where to go where
Jerred Moon 50:45
I went off percentage, I went at 40 I think to start and it just wasn't that bad. And then I went up from there and it was a lot worse at the higher price and after the for the first is like a pre exhaust. Anyway, that was bad. But then my roomie is having moments lately. Hard to frickin cold pool. So I'm jumping in that every day after. And the big reason I'm doing it every day is my brother training with me. And I'm trying to make him do it every day. And because it's just really good for him and a lot of the problems and issues that he has. And it's it's helping him a ton. And so that's why he's pushing himself to do it. But he'll basically only do it if I do it. Otherwise, I'd probably do it like three or four times a week and not like seven days a week. But yeah, it's it's almost every day at this point, because it's not as hot outside anymore. When it's like 100 degrees outside jumping in. Even if it's like 40 degrees, it's still like, Great, let's get into cold water, you know, but are we 101 to water 40 degrees, but when it's 72 any you sweat, but like the sweat is actually cooling you down, you know, like the sweat is effective. Because like maybe there's a breeze outside. There are temperatures or sweat is not effective. It's just happening, right. And so anyway, I'm not that hot after a training session anymore, because it's starting to cool down in Texas and I just don't want to, there's like, it's a good 15 seconds, I'm like, it would probably be longer if my brother wasn't standing there looking at me. And it's still 15 seconds of just like I don't, I don't want to do this, I don't want to get into cold water. And I do it anyway. And so that's a definite meet yourself moment. For me almost everyday right now is just a cold exposure. So if you want to, anyone wants to join on that just the best way to do it. Take all your clothes off, hold on, there's more. Get in the shower, and then just turn it on cold. Immediately. Don't. Don't go from hot to cold. Don't let the water run for a moment and get in. Just stand there. Like you're about to take a shower and then turn the water on only to cold. And that's probably the best comparison I can give you of like, holy crap. Like why is this happening? So yeah, that was that's been my most recent years of moments, all cold exposure stuff.
Joe Courtney 53:00
I can attempt that here in Bahrain, but it lasts like two seconds. And the water is actually like it's it's been turned all the way cold for months now. And we don't even have the water heater on.
Jerred Moon 53:09
There's some days in Texas where I can't tell. I'm like is the water on cold? Yeah. Because it's like still kind of warm. So yeah, I get you.
Ashley Hicks 53:18
I'll never forget my first England Cold Shower that I did. Oh my gosh, and we moved there in January. And I had gone from North Carolina to England. And it was cool. She was cold.
Jerred Moon 53:32
I happened when I was in New York, like in the middle of winter, I felt like the crack. And I was like, I turned it cold because I was doing cold showers almost every day at that point, I turned it cold. And I was like this is really cold. I was like it can't get older. Right? Like, if I move this a little bit more like you know, another quarter of an inch, it's not going to get colder. And it did and all the way until the water would turn off like it was getting colder. I was like how is this possible you have like a temperature regulation in there. But yeah, it got really cold, I have no idea how cold water was coming out. But if you live in a cold area, or your pipes are deep, whatever the case is, then you're gonna get some some cold showers. But let's talk about some touquet madness.
Ashley Hicks 54:12
Let's do it. It's the confused 2k is our meet yourself Saturday workout for the week or weekend, whatever it is 10 rounds for time, have a 200 meter row or run if you don't have the equipment to rope. And then front rack barbell hold for the duration of the 200 meter time. Meaning if it takes you a minute to do the row, it's going to take you a minute to hold so so so on and so forth. The competitor weight would be your body weight, and then the establish is 60 to 75% of your body weight. And then recruit is 45 to 65% of your body weight. So and then in big letters in the notes. It says do not lose Walk out your knees. You will pass out. Yeah. Don't do that. So what is everyone's tips, tricks, challenges, music recommendations. Go
Kyle Shrum 55:17
I did this workout with Hannah one time. And you talk about self talk, you talk about mental
Jerred Moon 55:27
game right? It's so great with a partner.
Kyle Shrum 55:31
setup. This one is tough. This one is tough. Especially like it'd be my wife. Because like, I start running like you're on like round five around six minutes of your running and you're like, Man, this really sucks and you kind of want to slow down a little bit but then I think my wife is up there holding a barbell right now. Like I can't slow down and then I get up there and I'm holding the bar. I'm holding the barbell and I'm like, Why the heck is she running so slow? What is wrong with her? Like,
Jerred Moon 55:58
that'd be the funniest thing I'm gonna walk this one okay.
Kyle Shrum 56:01
Did she die like she's been gone for like 10 seconds I'm like, Is she dead? Why am I still holding this barbell? But yeah, so it's it's you can't stop it gets fun It gets fun with a partner so you know
Jerred Moon 56:15
on is the best with a partner. So that is going to be my official recommendation is if you can get a I know your work to rest ratio times might not work out perfectly, but still with a partner because how many psychological strategies are engaged from like what Kyle's talking about about like, I want to move fast to not let my partner down to getting frustrated with your partner for not going fast enough. It's just like, there's so many mental battles going on, that you need to overcome. It's a great partner workout.
Joe Courtney 56:44
God, I'd want Jared to be my partner in this and no, you don't, I don't really care if he starts huffing and puffing. He's fine. But I
Kyle Shrum 56:54
mean, I'm on the rower. This is my this is my break
Unknown Speaker 56:56
Joe Courtney 56:58
I mean, he'll roughly roll faster than me but I think we'll be pretty close. So if you can have somebody close to your time and get
Jerred Moon 57:05
to the point where we were just torturing each other one row like and then resting a couple of seconds, because if you do one round All right, Joe, I'll show you how slow I can do this.
Joe Courtney 57:17
Stop messing with your feet
Jerred Moon 57:22
during the row, let me check
Joe Courtney 57:26
that front rack hole is pretty brutal. I mean, I each cycle I program a front rack hold in strength, but I do with like 135 or so and like it's the first set is pretty easy. It's fine. And you know, 200 meter row, that's probably a, you know, 50 seconds or so. Hold for me at least just speaking for me and like bodyweight that would be that'd be really tough. So scale appropriately for that, especially because when you're holding the front rack, it's all good. Well and good at first you feel fine, your elbows are high, and then your back starts to start to crinkle. And then Coinstar says go forward and yeah you're you're looking like a Cheeto so upskill that appropriately just so because in the beginning, the first couple of holds they're gonna be fine, they're not gonna be that hard, but that whenever any skill is sort of weighted hold is gonna have a decline and like yeah, the row might be a rest but it's it's also not Cheeto back.
Jerred Moon 58:28
And I did did this recently with the zurcher holds and hard to kill track. And I think I did, they did bodyweight or just above bodyweight. And that was pretty miserable, nice. And they were 62nd holds. And the only thing that was sore the next day were my biceps. From from doing that, but I agree with Joe 100%. How you hold this weight is important, we always talked about engaging the core not, you know, not letting that upper back break too much, too much. Don't crinkle if you will. And you have to, you have to fight that intentionally before you set up just so you know, because if, if your shoulder blades are already spread apart, when you kind of get the weight into the front rack, you're not going to really be able to correct that as much. So try and set up when you're getting your collarbone under there if you're doing with the barbell, cuz you do a barbell or two kettlebells if you really want to do right, so get your get it as close to your throat as possible. Then set your shoulder blades try and kind of pinch them together in prepare your upper back for what you're about to do. And then when you stand up, you'll be so much more prepared. Your back is already braced in the in the right position. And then you can just only focus on holding that right focusing holding that effort. And that's probably the most important thing with doing this. And then also as Ashley said, Do not lock out your knees, if you're unfamiliar, is very common in the military, especially if you've been through it. Like basic training and military training, when people stand at the position of attention for long periods of time they unknowingly lock their knees, and they're just passed out. You see it, like first day of basic training people falling over left and right, the hell's going on. And they're locking their knees locked knees and passing out and falling over. And is no different here, it would happen to you especially because you're, I mean, if you go hard on those intervals, you're already going to be a little bit lightheaded, and then trying to lock your knees and then have a workout. I've never done it, but I'm sure the recipe is not good and you don't want to fall over holding your bodyweight and your requisition. So really, very, very, bend your knees a couple of times during the hold if you need to, like a miniature push press may just get the legs involved a little bit more, make sure they're not not locked out. But that's that's about all I have is form and don't lock
Joe Courtney 1:00:51
your help on your front rack position to get your elbows high. target your lats first and then your triceps. It's it's not your wrist that's not flexible, it's the bigger muscles.
Ashley Hicks 1:01:01
And if you need help making your partner go fast, just make some grunting noises act like you're suffering.
Jerred Moon 1:01:06
So many psychological principles involved. Yep. All right, and Joe's out.
Joe Courtney 1:01:14
That's fine. That's all we got.
Jerred Moon 1:01:17
That does wrap it up for the workout and give us some feedback. Ladies and gentlemen, on the weekend warrior fueling series of maybe for our for our athletes in the Facebook group. That's probably where the feedback would be the best. Let us know what you think we can do this I've actually have ideas to do with other topics as well where we can because if we were to just cover this study, we'd have to gloss over so much because we want to keep these podcasts around an hour This one's already gone a little bit longer than that because of where we dove into more detail but it's a level of detail that's helpful you know, we could do this with heart rate training we could do this with a lot of different aspects we do this zone to how we could do it with one zone at a time break it into three parts if we really wanted to. So give us some feedback. If you like these deeper episodes on breaking down a topic so you can really get some actionable takeaways cut through the bro science and reduce that information overload and then also a five star review and positive comment I've mentioned that a while but it really does help the show out if you want to. If you've been getting some value from this whether you're one of our athletes or not if you go leave us that positive review that five star rating it really helps show out and we really appreciate it and that is about it. If you are one of our athletes Thank you so much. If you're not go sign up for a 14 day free trial pretty easy thing to do. Just go to garage, gym, athlete calm and if you don't feel comfort, comfort will kill you
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