Fasting Impacts In The Short & Long Term

Hey, Athletes! Want to learn more about fasting and how it can affect you both in the long and short term? Then make sure to catch this week's episode of the Garage Gym Athlete Podcast!
Episode 134 of The Garage Gym Athlete Podcast is up!
Fasting Impacts In The Short & Long Term
This week the we have all four coaches on the podcast. The study is on fasting and how it can affect you both in the short and long term. The coaches give their takeaways on the study and how to kill comfort! For this week's topic the coaches are diving into The HUMAN program. They go over why it was created, who it's for, and how you can get it! Lastly, this week's Meet Yourself Saturday workout is called Dia De Los Muertos aka death by. Make sure to listen up for some tips and tricks to help tackle this one!
If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to the Garage Gym Athlete podcast either on Stitcher, iTunes, or Google Play by using the link below:
- The HUMAN Program
- Time Restricted Eating
- Dia De Los Muertos
- Fasting-The Good and The Bad
- Daily Over Decades
- Tips For MYS
- Updates and Announcements
- And A LOT MORE!!
Diving Deeper…
If you want to go a little bit deeper on this episode, here are some links for you:
Study of the Week
Garage Gym Athlete Workout of the Week
Be sure to listen to this week’s episode:
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To becoming better!
Jerred Moon 0:02
Alright ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the garage mathlete podcast German here with Kyle from Ashley Hicks and Joe Courtney. Everyone has their names proper on Zoom. So when I read them, I have to read them. i It's a lot to try to memorize three different names.
Kyle Shrum 0:17
So we're gonna have a Ron Burgundy moment next week.
Jerred Moon 0:21
Well, I did it last week, actually put chocolate lover or something like that
Ashley Hicks 0:25
the week before it was like, recover or better recover or something.
Jerred Moon 0:29
I think I ignored that one because I didn't know how to read it wasn't a word
Kyle Shrum 0:33
had a hyphen and weird.
Jerred Moon 0:36
It was sound recording. Let's uh oh, he did. I'll get back to the podcast. No. Well, I actually want to start with updates here. Everyone's doing we're, we're recording this right at the end of January, beginning of February daily over decades going strong. If you want to be a part of the challenge, go to daily over decades calm. That's probably the last time I'll say it. I think we'll still be getting updates. But I'm not going to. We're not going to have the signup page up forever. My plan was to kind of leave it up for January. So people can get involved, you absolutely can do the daily over decades challenge at any point in time. And I would recommend it. Or if you fall off the wagon, get back on the wagon, whatever, you know, keep going. But we do have a lot of rewards being given at the end of this one. So I had to cut off the signup and all that stuff. So let's get into it. Ashley, how's your daily over decades? Challenge going? And how does it make you feel?
Ashley Hicks 1:29
Phenomenal? It's going great. Going to crush those 200 sessions? I don't know if I'll quite make the 300. But good job. I mean, it's the calories are being met the minute to be met. has made me feel
Jerred Moon 1:43
accomplished. You're on track to hit 300 or close to it right.
Ashley Hicks 1:48
Kind of ish. I'm not like Jerred moon on track. I'm Kyle on track.
Kyle Shrum 1:55
Not Joe on you're not Joe on track either. So that's good.
Jerred Moon 1:58
Yeah, let the listener will infer which each of those mean. Yeah.
Ashley Hicks 2:05
But I'm on day 24. I did. Today's workout. Who saw the legs are already wobbly after today's workout. So
Jerred Moon 2:13
for January, you're ending with 2424? Yes. So and you only needed one extra to meet the average, right? 25 per month. You're right. I think you're gonna get it.
Kyle Shrum 2:24
You'll see you'll get there.
Ashley Hicks 2:26
Yeah. All right, Joe.
Joe Courtney 2:29
So Joe on track is about the end of today, I'll be at 18 which is what I need to be per month. So that's a car catch up, man. That week of travel really dug me a hole. I'm feeling good though. Like on track I even because I knew I was I was getting behind I moved up my Monday workout to Sunday. So I'm already a day into this week of workouts. Or if Chris Morgan had his way I'm actually a day behind. So because he starts the week on Saturdays, but I'm feeling good. I mean, my cover has been great. The gym here is fantastic. So I'm glad to have that. We're going to have another week of travel coming up. So I got to figure out what I'm going to do on the road. But feeling good still, recovery has been awesome. Everything's been feeling good. Just need to actually get it done. So you'll be 18 at the end of day. And I was doing the math out and it's it's actually we're saying how good she felt. I'm just like, I'm feeling stressed now. Because like, Okay, I'm seven in the hole.
Jerred Moon 3:36
That's a hard hold. Like, I'm not gonna do the math for you. But it's not fun math.
Joe Courtney 3:40
No, yeah, because so for the year, I have 65 days where I don't do anything. I've already used like, 12 of those days. So I need to have a few seven workout weeks. Again, this week, a travel is gonna make it hard. So even if I get four while I'm on the road on the road trip, that'll be an accomplishment, but I'm still gonna be in the hole. But after that, I'm gonna have to like, do seven, I'm gonna have to do almost every day for for a little bit. So March will definitely be a huge, I think I'm going to try and do it. Jared did for January and basically try and hit every single day in March. Because that'll be, you know, five days extra. And then it's also when you you have to do 1225 days per month, but then you realize February, there's only 28 days in the month. Right? So
Kyle Shrum 4:33
you got to do all of February and you only get you only make up three days.
Joe Courtney 4:37
Yeah. So that's just that's just that. So two months. Yeah, all of February.
Kyle Shrum 4:40
In all of March, and you made up your seven days.
Joe Courtney 4:46
Yeah, well. I'll go for March because our gym equipment should be here. Half of our gym equipment should be here by the end of this week. We'll go on the road. We'll come back a couple weeks later. Who knows when the other stuff that was coming from Bahrain will be here, but at least So I have a squat rack. So baby do
Jerred Moon 5:04
I don't know. She's doing some life planning math. No. She just like, she basically just said your chance of doing the 300 or zero.
Joe Courtney 5:16
March I need to make up. And after that, who knows what's gonna happen? I don't know. Very innovative April 1.
Kyle Shrum 5:23
Okay. April Fool's Day. Yep.
Jerred Moon 5:27
So we all know if he's faking us out. We'll just ignore any messages we get about a baby. The bad
Joe Courtney 5:32
guys have not seen Liz so she's baby pumping. The whole
Jerred Moon 5:35
thing could be a joke. Yeah, that's true. It's it's fake.
Ashley Hicks 5:37
People fake.
Kyle Shrum 5:40
It. This is some elaborate prank.
Jerred Moon 5:42
Like he would go down in history. Now. It'd be
Kyle Shrum 5:45
frickin legend, man. Like, I wouldn't even be mad. I would want my
Jerred Moon 5:49
I want my baby gifts back though.
Joe Courtney 5:51
Well, I did put books and kitchen stuff on the baby registry. So just Alright, I
Jerred Moon 6:01
just want cash.
Joe Courtney 6:03
Yeah, yeah.
Kyle Shrum 6:07
I am at 24 out of 300. So today, we'll make 25 out we'll be on track perfectly on track for the monthly average of five days per month. So yeah, perfection. You know, one level of perfection. My gosh, it's just how it goes. I'm feeling I'm feeling great. I'm really loving the dorms. And started started doing some yoga last week. Man yoga. was one of my sessions did did some yoga. You know, we're not going to distinguish what type of yoga it
Joe Courtney 6:48
was. Videos for the community. So
Kyle Shrum 6:51
yeah, that yeah, that's it's a it's been rumored. But we'll see how that works out.
Joe Courtney 6:57
It won't silkies.
Kyle Shrum 6:59
Anyway, I actually think certain people in the community call haze camp, basically assumed thinking might actually like pay me to do that, if I brought it up to him. So he's the one who sent me the silkies I have. So I don't know. Anyway.
Joe Courtney 7:18
No way he did. He already paid you for it. So you know, you have to
Kyle Shrum 7:21
Oh, no, no, no, I'm obligated to do it. Yeah, no, I'm not doing. I'm not doing the yoga videos, guys. That's not happening. I'm not doing that. So anyway, yoga is yoga is happening just for recovery. But recovery sessions. Anyway.
Ashley Hicks 7:39
Everyone that was in our call on Friday. That's where the yoga came from. Yeah. And then so if you didn't make the first call, you should definitely make the next call. Because it was a lot of fun.
Jerred Moon 7:50
Yeah. So Joe through in the Facebook group. We did a get together this past Friday over zoom. Nothing's recorded. It was just like a community hangout. It was really cool. And I'm sure we'll do it more. So if you're not involved in a Facebook group, go get involved and join the next one. It was cool. Just to catch up and see how everyone was doing on the the 300 challenge. Or the daily DECA challenge. I'm sorry, my 300 challenge. It's other people's 200 challenge. So my January went, Well, I will train today. We're recording this on the last day January. So that'd be 30 out of 31 little frustrated that I didn't just do that one day when it's 30 out of 31. I would prefer 31 out of 31
Joe Courtney 8:31
they should just skip to another day and I won't miss two days. So that's yeah,
Jerred Moon 8:35
I Oh, that was almost yesterday. I was like, Huh. But I do I did learn. I don't like training seven days a week. Six, no problem. Same seven for some reason. I'm like, I there's got to be one day where I don't do it. But I'm perfectly fine with six I found that that to be odd about myself. So that's that's what I'll be moving to I'm not trying to like, get the most days like I like I was saying earlier, I was just trying to build in some buffer in January just in case something happens. I have some buffer days, a couple of them at least moving forward and I might do that on different months. But February my plan. I'll hit that 25 But it is a shorter month, right. So only be a couple days off. But then my plan is just six A week after that maybe one other buffer month where I try to get every day of the month but that'll be about it. I do not enjoy seven days per week that is for sure. But other than that everything's on track and I'm liking it. So good stuff. Alright, get into this study. I think that the community would find this study very interesting. We talk a lot about intermittent fasting time restricted eating, feeding, whatever you want to call it. The name of the study is 12 months of time restricted eating and resistance training improves in flames. amatory markers and cardio metabolic risk factors. So this is the first long term one year study of time restricted eating, aka intermittent fasting in a lifting population. So as healthy trained men, they are signed to a TR e pattern or standard eating pattern in both groups ate high protein diets, which is like, what I was thinking immediately in my head when I just was like, opening the study, like I hope they equated for protein. And they did, and they train three times a week, and they were drinking whey protein after their training sessions. The main reason they did it, the author stated, they aim to examine the effects of long term 12 month tre pattern on body composition, metabolic and cardiovascular risk markers. So very interesting. And I think we need to stay focused on what they were after. In doing the study, they were really looking at health, they're looking at your health and doing time restricted eating, which I think is also another cool thing. So as a pretty standard, break down, I'll just read how it went. The experiment was a single blind randomized study 20 healthy subjects were enrolled and underwent 12 months of either a time restricted diet, or normal diet protocol along with resistance training. In the t r e protocol, subjects consumed their energy needs and three meals during an eight hour period of time each day 1pm 4pm and 8pm. subjects in the indie group, which is the normal diet group, also had three meals which were consumed at 8am 1pm, and 8pm. Groups are matched for calories consumed and macronutrient distribution at baseline. And I'll just jump straight to the kind of takeaway. And it's not that uncommon, if you've been doing intermittent fasting, the Tre group ended up eating less calories, about 7% reduction in total calorie intake. But that wasn't like part of the study. This just happened naturally. Right. But they also had a lot of all of their like inflammatory markers, insulin sensitivity, lipid profiles, all of it was better improve in the time restricted feeding. So the intermittent fasting window, so we're talking about health, inflammatory markers, cardiovascular markers, all like lipid profiles, all these things were great. They were they improved. And I guess they weren't really that big of a difference in the normal diet. Let's see trying to no adverse events are reported and body mass fat mass index, insulin, like growth factor one and test testosterone were significantly lower compared with the normal diet. So it's kinda like you do have your Which one do you want more, you know, so there were some things that were reduced and during the time restricted eating window, we can we can tease this out a little bit, talk about a little bit more. I kind of have like, how you should look at this study. It's not I don't think there's necessarily good or bad for time restricted feeding. I mean, I think it was primarily good, but I think it depends on which camp you are in and what you need to achieve, and how much you should use it are going to kind of be my takeaways. But what did you guys think about this, this study on intermittent fasting.
Joe Courtney 13:16
I really like this one, especially because of the duration because they had them training three times a week was great. There was the fact that it was originally structured for an eight week study where they met with a dietitian every week, but then they're like, Hey, do you want to just continue this for the rest of the 10 months, and they did and it was awesome. And like while they had some drop out, they still had I think 10 people on each side 20 People that stuck with it. That was really awesome. I also liked when that they lined out the training time so instead of like that they all train between like four and 6pm So they were both not fasted when they train but the fastest people just move their breakfast up or move their breakfast back so it wasn't like a look at these people are training fast these people are not it's these people just have a long fasting window but they're still training after having breakfast and lunch. So the calories for the day were the same but they just had a longer fasting window. So it's cool to see the difference because the first eight weeks were had one conclusion and then after that the for the for the year they had even more conclusion or different conclusions. So because the time restricted feeding, I got just takes longer for it to have its effect. So it's really cool to see. Let's see, I think for my main takeaway, I'd skip to that is that fasting and time restricted feeding is good for for short bursts. So if you want to do it for eight weeks for maybe even like like at max a cycle, then do it or just like four to six weeks. Do your do your fasting, have your training, but then go back to normal because it does have great it's you do it more for health benefits or like a I don't I hate using the word cut, but like if you If you just want to have like a little, a little bump in losing some fat, then you might do it for a little bit, but still go back to the normal eating window. But either way, it should be looked at as more of a health thing and to do it in bursts than to do it for like a super long time. And I know I did it for a very long time too. And I didn't really notice that much of a difference anyway. And I was working out fast and most the time, but now I have delta back. And now I do. Anytime I'm lifting pretty much I'm eating first. But when I do my run day, and then I usually one other one of my lifting days you press day, because it's usually less intense for press, I'll do those training sessions fasted. But every other day I'll be after like when I wake up before I go to the gym just fine enough time. So having the occasional fasting is good for you health wise. So that was my main takeaways that it should be looked at for health and in short bursts versus this is what I just need to do to lose these lose the weight and went up because it showed that while the scale might go down, you might be losing muscle mass, not not just fat mass after a long period of time. Actually,
Ashley Hicks 16:06
I also like the study, I agree with Joe, that it does need to be looked at as a health perspective. But some of the things that really Jared kind of touched on him was for the TRT group, so the intermittent fasting group, they had improved insulin sensitivity, better inflammatory, like less inflammation in their body had a lower fat mass. And so I think, too, I think it would be good for someone who is struggling with some sort of cardiovascular or metabolic issues here. Now for, again, this is all men, if I'm correct in saying that, so for me, how I look at this is for females, I wouldn't recommend a 16 eight, just because of hormonal things at play. And I would maybe even chat with a doctor before you start going to this. But that was my main takeaway, like if you want to lose some weight, and, like, want to be able to implement something that is something that you can do pretty quickly, intermittent fasting, for men is probably a great thing, a great way to start. And I think it also depends on like, where you are at in your health journey to like Joe talked about, you know, kind of a shorter burst, but I think too, it also depends on what are your long term goals with it? And you know, what, what are your trying? What health markers, are you trying to improve with fasting, because they, you know, they did it over a longer period and saw, you know, different results than from the eight week period as well. So that was kind of my, my main takeaway for that, Kyle.
Kyle Shrum 17:59
So I've I've used intermittent fasting I actually just kind of, it's just kind of become a normal, my normal go to way of eating, even going back to back when I first joined garage mathlete and was losing a bunch of weight and all that kind of stuff. So I've just kind of kept it for the most part that's that's been my default. And there have been like, there have been like short bursts where like I change things up a little bit. And actually, Jerry was talking about this recently as well like with the daily over decades challenge kind of needing to increase calories a little bit, maybe maybe taking a look at that and eating a little bit more just because of the increased the increased training volume for the week. So I've been I've been playing with that a little bit since the beginning of the year as well. But time restricted eating is just kind of my my default. And so they saw the subject saw like a a natural caloric deficit which is something that when I read that I was like that makes sense because that's what happened to me I kind of went from I don't really like fit like three whole meals into my eating window every day when I'm when I'm doing time restricted eating I just kind of basically just eaten two large meals a day and so my overall my calories go down when I'm doing that so that that makes a lot of sense to me and in was something that apparently the researchers didn't factor in before they were actually kind of surprised by that that they were surprised that they wouldn't eat as much but I just don't feel I just don't feel like I need to eat more when I'm when I'm eating this way when this is my normal diet. I just don't feel like I need to eat more I eat kind of a big lunch at you know to break my fast and then I dinner with the family at the end. That's pretty much it. That's pretty much all I eat. But anyway, I thought it was really good. I really enjoyed the study. It's definitely like like everyone has said, You need to assess your own goals. And you know, do you want to focus on our perch fee and building muscle, if you want to do that intermittent fasting is probably not for you. If you want to focus more on on your your blood markers, which is something that I'm looking at recently, as well is just trying to really dial in, I've actually been like, checking my blood sugar and stuff over the last couple of weeks, just monitoring that really closely. You guys know, I've talked a lot about it about like, my struggle with migraines and stuff, and it comes and goes, and I go through, like, I go through periods where I'll have, you know, one or two a week, and I'll go through periods where I don't have one for like, three months, you know, and it's just kind of, it's kind of really weird. So just, I've just been like, that's been something that I've been doing this month is just like really tracking it like every single day, just trying to make sure. And so I'm personally I'm more focused like on like the health markers, as opposed to like perch fan strength and all that kind of stuff, just trying to make sure that began to something specifically that related to those things. But I enjoyed the study and enjoyed that. It kind of showed different things, it did show that actually both groups over the course of the year, the strength was actually their strength numbers at the end were were not significantly different. They were actually they tested the bench press and the leg press, our girlfriend, the leg press, but they especially the bench, the bench press, one rep max for both groups was exactly the same. And so these guys were still getting stronger. They were still building strength, but they just had different body composition over that time. So I just think it's I think both protocols can be can be very helpful. It just depends on what your goals are. Like everything nutrition related, it's, it's, it's highly individualized to you as an athlete.
Jerred Moon 21:51
Yeah, so when nutrition like gurus or whatever, look at time restricted eating, they always point out that it's the only magic in it is calorie reduction, like, and there's no like, oh, that's the body taking a break. And all these things happen, because you're not eating like the science side of nutritionists hate that. I'm not saying I'm in that camp, it's just like, they always say they're like, there's nothing special about it, all you're doing is eating less calories. And that's kind of what they're saying here is like there was this random 7% reduction. But that's what we need most people to do is eat fewer calories. And so if I can just tell you to do a 16 eight, and that magically reduces how many calories you eat, and I didn't tell you to reduce your calories. It's a win, right? It's a win. So I think from a psychological standpoint, if you need to lose weight, fasting makes a lot of sense. I've talked a lot about this recently on the podcast, I tend to over eat, but I especially tend to overeat, I mean, under eat, under eat when I'm doing fasting, because if I get busy, or whatever is going on in life, all those things are always gonna take priority over me eating. That's just how I've always been. And so I can get in some really bad like that I seriously eat like 200 calories today, like I wanted to make up for that. And so like, I'll get into those states. And right now I'm completely abandoning time restricted feeding. But I've also basically been doing it I don't know, five to seven years that something crazy like that. And so I'm off of it right now. And my plan in the future is just to use it as a tool in certain sense. So, you know, a 30 day window or a josei saying like maybe one cycle, but then always, always cycling back to breakfast, you know, always coming back to just eating some breakfast. Because my energy levels are a lot higher when I'm well fed, and I have to eat breakfast to make sure that I'm well fed, then I'm just going to eat breakfast and it's not gonna be that big of a deal. But for all of our garage gym athletes out there, I think time restricted feeding can be a really great tool. Because if you're not that concerned with specifically muscle growth, that's about it. Specifically muscle growth if you're not that concerned, so you want to lose weight, you want to cut a little bit you but you don't want to get weaker. And you know, you don't want to do anything crazy, then do some time time restricted feeding. It's like it has a checkmark in every category except for muscle gain. And so and to be honest, if you did equate calories, I wonder what would happen you know, I wonder if there would be any difference but I think that it's great if you are a garage, gym athlete listening, you want to kind of lose some weight but you don't want to put a ton of like crap into it. Then just do some do a intermittent fasting window like add that if you haven't tried it already, but use it as a tool. Right. Use it in sparingly. And then I think what Ashley said is really important. males versus females on this Like, we don't know what the hell, like we kind of talked about this in recent podcast too, like, with males and females, like, there's not enough research out there period dot, but from what I'm seeing more anecdotally, I don't think females should do long periods of intermittent fasting. Like I just don't think so I don't think it's good for them I think bodies respond differently. And right now I don't think it's a great idea. And if you are doing it, I don't think you should do it for long periods of time at all. And that's for females. And but I feel the same way for dudes like I did it for a long time. I don't think I had any necessarily adverse effects. But I mean, I have basically weighed the exact same for five to seven years, while lifting a lot of weight. You know, like, maybe I would have gained more muscle mass, maybe I would be 195 200, something like that, right. Now, if I had just maintained a normal diet, instead of intermittent fasting, maybe I'd have more muscle mass. And I don't really care. Like we talked about that recently on a podcast you I don't, I don't care that much like, whatever. But maybe that would be the difference. The only thing I could think of, I don't feel like I had any health. Like I said, adverse events, having done it as long as I did, but who knows what, maybe I missed out on something as opposed to something damning happening.
Kyle Shrum 26:14
Yeah, I think when you, when you do something for a long time, though, to it, it becomes your normal, like your body's adapted to it. And so you get exactly what you said, like you get to a point where you're maintaining, and you're just kind of maintaining a new normal, as opposed to like, using, like you said, using it as a tool for specific for specific things, whether it's for an event, or just for specific cycle, putting on muscle or something like that, like you, you need to you got to shock the system a little bit and change things up in order to really see some progress. So, but that's kind of the thing you got, it got to be a new normal for me, and just, I just kind of got comfortable with it, you know, and it was just kind of my, my way of doing things. And so this is a good reminder, just to, to shake things up when you need to.
Jerred Moon 26:57
But that's what I was doing it after, like, year one, I wasn't doing it for any reason at all, other than I was just doing it, you know,
Kyle Shrum 27:05
it was just I was just nor like,
Jerred Moon 27:06
I wasn't like, oh, well, there's all these health benefits. I'm like, I'm getting so healthy, it was just like, it's actually more convenient for me to not eat breakfast, so I'm gonna keep doing that, or not doing that, right. That's the only reason I continue to fast for as long as I did. I wasn't even like trying to get any benefit out of it. It was just a, let's have some coffee and get to work. That's, that's easier for me then. Then eating so. So it's a Lazy, Lazy approach on my end.
Ashley Hicks 27:29
Well, and your training schedule change too. So that's what I was gonna maybe ask you like, if you trained in the morning, would you train fasted? Or would you have breakfast prior to
Jerred Moon 27:38
so because there was such a long window of me doing that if I train in the morning, I would eat after not before? Yeah, but I would I would eat right after I would train. And so that would typically mean I would shorten my fasting window. Like in the evening or something like that. I would stop eating sooner earlier in the day. If I was trying to stick to it, I haven't tracked like when I'm fasting or not fasting a very long time. But I do know I fasted I've been eating breakfast. Most of this year, I think all of this year and I fasted I think a couple days ago. It was just one of those more convenience things again, and it's funny how quickly you get hungry again. I was like, Man, I'm hungry right now. And I that was like I did not experience hunger in the mornings after certain time but then it came back after just eating for a couple weeks in the morning.
Joe Courtney 28:31
Yeah, I I had to do basically train fasted in Bahrain, because I had to work out rugby right when I woke up, I have some coffee and get to go and because the gym that I worked out the outdoor gym closed at 9am. So I had to like start my workout by 730 or something. Now here I'll have the freedom because the gym and even you know, I'll have my garage gym. And I'm going to push it back a little bit because so I can actually eat in the morning and I have you know bars now I just have like an RX bar when I first wake up with my coffee. And I'm good to go after like an hour because that's just something in my body. And I still like to do the fasted training once or twice a week. So like, and circle back to the study doing a zone to run if you listen to a lot of Arizona to stuff, it's good for burning fat. If you're fasted, I don't need the carbs to burn because I'm staying in that in that fat burning zone. And that even in the study, they found after a year, the time restricted feeding window they saw possible increase in fat for fuel because of like how they how they burned it,
Jerred Moon 29:30
and fewer carbohydrates can see
Joe Courtney 29:33
Yeah, but they're also their macro breakdown they had they were at like over 50% carbs and like 20 to 23% for fat for calories while most of our athletes are probably at a above 30% fat for calories close to 40 or so for carbs so like the fat distribution is a bit different. So I think are some of our athletes could you know if you're doing his own today, then I think that's a good time to just easy way to incorporate a good fast if you're gonna, if you're, if you're doing it in the morning, but every other day, you know, stick to stick to normal schedule, maybe have something before you train, it just gets harder when you know, some people wake up at 5am to train and you get those deals. But you're still, if you have dinner in the evening, you're probably still under 13 hours fast after your training to have your protein shake. So it kind of depends on the intensity that you're doing. But yeah, that's just how I how I kind of look at it, like do it as well.
Jerred Moon 30:28
And then when, when you do make these changes, this is when I start to pay attention to more things like recovery sleep, I actually pay attention to my body weight. If I'm like, right now I am, like I had I don't normally weigh myself very often at all, but I'm been weighing myself more regularly now. Because I'm probably eating more calories in a habit. I'm like, Okay, let's see, if I gain. I don't care if I gain but I'm just interested to see if I do and right now I'm not gaining at all, which just means I was just under eating. Because if you can, if you can eat more calories, and your body just like thank you, you were under eating, if you know, if you start to put on weight, when you're consistently like whatever, one to two pounds per week, when you're eating, then you're eating too much, you know, because that's a, that's a trajectory for gaining, you know, 810 pounds a month consistently. So you might want to slow that train down. So these things, these markers are pretty easy to pay attention to if you're overeating or under eating. But you might not be eating enough. I'm gonna keep harping on that, because I feel like when we're talking to healthy individuals, like we could sit around and talk about weight loss of a bunch. But there's not much to say about it. Like, I think we all know what you have to do, right to lose weight. They're they're like three categories, there's move more, eat less, those aren't working, it's probably hormonal, right? There's something else a bigger issue going on. And those are the three options. There's not much else, you know, there's not, they're not a lot of their options out there. But when it comes to under eating, that I feel like that's happening to a lot of people who are in this healthy category. I know we have a lot of athletes listening to this veteran athletes been training for a long time. And you get by without having eat as much but might not be good for you. You know, you might experience a whole new version of life once you start eating enough. Alright, anything else on that one, guys? Alright, let's jump into the topic. So we're talking about the human program. So what were I officially called it
Joe Courtney 32:29
in document programming. I think you marked it as the better human on the on the podcast. I mean, what is that thing called? webinar
Jerred Moon 32:38
webinar? So we haven't we have a new program being released to garage garaged. mathletes, it also be available on garage That is called the human program. We're gonna talk about kind of what it is why it exists, and maybe more technicalities of accessing it and whatnot. Do you want to start with that? Joe? Do you want to mention that the technical parts of getting access to this program? How does someone get the program? I think you would know. If they're a member, how do they how do they Where do they find it?
Joe Courtney 33:14
It should be on it's gonna be on the website. I don't know where it's gonna be. But it's gonna be we're just gonna have like a one a training center, right? Yeah, so we're going to have it listed on in the training center. For current athletes of your current athlete, not only do you get access to the app, but there's the training center where there's 10 other programs, well, now there's going to be another program, if you just want to do it in there, and you don't want to mess with the team builder app or change your track or anything, you can just go in there, you can even take a look at the program. So that's where it will be for just like right off the bat on the seventh, we're gonna have it in the training center.
Jerred Moon 33:49
Yeah. And just want to be clear on that, because we actually will be if you want it in team builder, it's $1. And that's logistics on our end, that's also being able to give it to friends and family. There has to be this charge factor. And so that is happening, if you want it in team builder, whether you're a current athlete, or new athlete, it's $1. If you're actually if you're new athlete, I don't think it's $1 thing we might be charging more than that for new athletes. And so that's how that's gonna work. But if you do, like, I don't want to pay $1 I already pay a monthly fee, I get it. And that's why it's 100% for free in your training center account, and you can access it there at any time. But if you want to in your team builder account, like official track, change all that jazz, it's gonna cost $1 And that'll make you pay attention and do the work. That's the that's a big thing. And if you haven't been around long enough or been around me long enough, I don't like free things. When you pay you pay attention is the little slogan I live by and it's just so true. And so if this was just another track, I feel like it'd be abused and not used even for people who are paying, but I didn't feel like it was right to not give our current members the program, while there's they are paying a monthly fee. So that's why you do get free in your training center. But team Bill there'll be $1. So that's all the technical side of getting the program out of the way. And we will have like a page for people to sign up and everything on the seventh. So if you have like friends or family members who you want to be a part of this or think that'd be a good indoctrination program for them into garage mathlete. You know, share it around and see if you can get them involved. I guess we can go into the overall what the program is. And then you guys just want to hit on any interesting findings or what you think of the program or Joe, did you want to cover anything else?
Joe Courtney 35:47
Yeah, yeah, I got just one thing, if if we set it up, right, whenever you if you do the $1 track change, or if you have a friend that wants to start it in, like, say next week doesn't work for you. Another reason why it's not attract changes, because when you sign up for it, the program will start on the following Monday, you started. So in two weeks, if you say you know what, now I want to start the doc I got because I've got the first eight weeks of this cycle and I want to do the in doc, okay, then it'll start the following Monday versus jumping into the dock a week late. Because how the program kind of works, you need to start from the beginning, you can't really just start it two or three weeks in because it it, it's on a pretty aggressive linear progression. But it you need to start from the beginning and slowly ramp up can't just be like, Yeah, I'm just gonna pop in and do these last couple weeks.
Jerred Moon 36:28
Yeah, like all our other tracks, you can jump in at any time, right. And this one is not that way, if you jump into week, five, day four, you're just gonna be all sorts of pain and confusion, if you didn't progress properly, and I've done a lot of these workouts, not all seven weeks. But I was walking myself through some of this during that weeks over the last year, or towards the end of last year, not over the whole year. And it it gets pretty nasty some of the energy system training. So when I say in doc program, don't think it's just like this. Now we're gonna do three sets of 20 Push ups today, and then we'll call it good and do some light stretching and go for a walk like it's, it's still a garage, a mathlete program. So what we have, I'll just break it down. It's seven week program. And it's six days a week. And if you are going to go optional, I think that was day four. Let me look here, no, day six. So the sixth day was going to be optional. And so that's how that works. And it follows our body geometry format, and it starts off. I feel like every time I'd say something that's explained something further body geometry is something we developed to keep athletes healthy, safe, optimal. And it looks at different planes of movements, it looks at different muscle contractions. And it just making sure that you're very well rounded in your movement patterns. And when you do that, you are very much less likely to get injured. Like that's just how the body works. And so we're walking you through this progressive pattern. Week one day one with in hopes that if you're an advanced athlete, this is a great reset. It's not a it's not beneath you. And that's what I want everyone to understand. Like I said, I've done a lot of this. And it's There's nothing easy about it, you can make it as hard as you want to and your effort and your intent when you go to do it. But it's a great reset for athletes who've been around for a long time, maybe your body's just not feeling right, you're like, hey, I don't know what all the different contractions are planes of movement. But that sounds nice. Like, let's try, let's try that out for a little bit. It will be a little bit like taking vitamins for your body. And so we walk you through that each day. So it's a strength day that walks you through everything I was just talking about with body geometry. And then the next day will be a conditioning day. And then the conditioning days, if you do all three are gonna walk you through the three different energy systems. So you're gonna do aerobics on the first conditioning day, a lactic on the second conditioning day and lactic on the last day. So that last one is a really crappy one. We like to call the pain. And it's just really terrible. So if you wanted to skip something, that's the one that you should skip. Because that's going to be the worst one. And if you're a true beginner into fitness, you should skip it. Because you're not actually going to benefit from the training because you have to have a certain level of strength to be able to benefit from that energy system being trained. So that's the breakdown of the program. I could talk about this a lot more as we get into it. But I don't know thoughts from any of you overall about the program, how you were thinking about using it, how maybe our athletes should use it. anything like that?
Ashley Hicks 40:02
I think that this is, I think is great. I think this is a great tool that a lot of people can utilize. I mean, you talked about your, you basically have been trying this out on your brother for a little bit. But I just looking over the, the course of the just looking at over the next seven, eight weeks of it, it's, it's really well thought out. And I love that you're strengthening your body. And just different kinds of movements that we typically a garage gym athlete sometimes don't see. And you start without it's all bodyweight at first, right? And kind of really get a feel for your body. So just what Jared said like, even if you are have been training for years, I feel like this is a great way to fix imbalances that you have maybe picked up from training or you just want to kind of get back to the basics and kind of see like, Oh man, I really should work on X y&z Like, I mean, there's even one movement there that I really appreciated, where you literally lift your leg and you're gonna hold it when just like a one legged hold for a while, you know, and it's, it sounds super simple, but you know, you have to do it and squeeze your core. And there's a lot of things that go into these movements. And so I really think it's really well thought out. And I'd love the supersets. I love that you're able to get in a lot of work and kind of like, almost condensed but not really. And then I think it's a really great mix of conditioning with the strength, strength portions.
Kyle Shrum 41:44
Yeah, I really, I love the way it looks. I'm really excited about it for for people, I'm excited for people to jump into this, both new new people to come in and try this out as their kind of their first taste to garage gym athlete. I'm also excited to hear from some of our staff, from our established athletes from people that are already in our programming who make the jump, go over here and do this and kind of get surprised by you know what I mean? Because I definitely think there could be, there could be instances where you get in here and you think that it's gonna be you know, I'm glad that I'm glad, Jared that you said like, don't don't assume that this is going to be easy for you, you know, just because you've been around for a while, because that's just, if you've been around for a while, you know that that's not how we do things. Is is kind of my point is like, you should know that if we're if we're putting something new together, that it's going to be it's it's going to challenge you and so I really like that. And there's even some things in here that I've never even heard of, I don't even know what it is that so I might jump in here and you know, try some of this new stuff out like a like a curtsy squat. There's just a little saw that written on the on the program every
Ashley Hicks 42:54
females like we've
Kyle Shrum 42:56
had to look up what that was. And I didn't know that that was a squat variation. There's a bunch of them out there, I guess. But yeah, so you know things in here that even you know, I've never heard of and never tried before. So it's it's exciting. I like this and I think it's I think it's gonna be a great thing for for everybody. Both new people in established athletes alike.
Joe Courtney 43:17
Yes, a little bit more about the program. So one thing that I mean I like it because I like more simple and formulaic. It is very formulaic. So like Monday, you're gonna be doing squats and lower body Tuesday, you're gonna be sustained. Wednesday's press and our body, Thursday's game. Friday is like a pulling and posterior chain day. And Saturday, six day is the pain. Like that's, that's the structure, but each week escalates each week, the movements change a little bit. And another important thing to note is that you're kind of self governing on a lot of these, which makes it good for both new and experienced people. That's why it's good for everyone, because there is an element to self governing as long as you follow along and push yourself. So those things are important. No, but that's why I love it. It is seven weeks, then normally in our normal tracks, we have three weeks and then D load fourth week, this one does not have a D load because you're slowly ramping up from beginning so it's just seven weeks straight, slowly increasing from there. And then on the eighth week, you can and should D load after you complete the program. Other important things to know just for our for our experienced athletes, they're not gonna be broken down into blocks. So that's something to note. So like whereas, you know, this superset is one block the super sets two blocks, whatever it is in our normal tracks, blocks on broken down. You can obviously always cat but that's just another thing to note as well. Yeah, there's a lot of things that I like because of the the simplicity of it the simplicity and effective and if I had to describe this in three words, it would be that escalated quickly.
Jerred Moon 44:54
And that's it. Yeah, by week seven, it's yeah, it's a serious program at that point. But Yeah, a good example of this not being easy, or the self gov governing factor that you're kind of talking about. When I was experimenting with this, I had a friend come in town, he stayed with us for three days, very fit individual squats over 500 pounds, fast runner, like just a true athlete. And I was like, Hey, will you help me do testimonies workouts while you're here, and he did one day that I had written, and we did Lower, lower reps, and it was more still in the bodyweight phase of it. And I think we were doing like 10 to 12 reps. And he finished it. And he was kind of like, I mean, do to be honest, I could do like another workout right now, that was not bad at all. And I was like, Okay, I was like, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna change change up too much. And so the next day, I was like, we try another one. So you know, same format, I didn't like jump to week seven, I still kept it in the beginning. But then I just increased his reps on everything instead of 10 to 12 to 30. And he was like, unbelievably sore the next day, like, couldn't move. And so you, you really can play with this a lot, we kind of put the rep scheme in the middle of that. But if you need to go down, or up, you can make this a lot harder. And if you don't want to have to put your brain into the program at all, you don't have to like we have sets and reps there for you. But if you are on the more advanced side, and you finish day one, week one, and you're like, This is too easy. Just do more reps, I know it sounds like simple, but it's like crazy different how it can be when you're doing a single leg centric squat to bench 30 times each leg versus, you know, 12 times total or something like that, they're very different. So just know that going into the program. And if you are beginner, like, yeah, Cap yourself on the reps if it's getting too crazy. And then the only other note, Joe said it's not in the blocks, you're probably going to have to time cap yourself on the energy system training. And that's fine. Like, because I wanted to keep it in true. And as part of the reason we didn't block them, I want to keep it in true energy system, training fashion. And to do that, there are set work and rest ratios in energy system training, like how much work you should be doing, and how much rest you should you should be doing to truly benefit from energy system training, that's how you should do it. And in garage gym athlete training, we stick to that 95% of the time, sometimes we shorten those or lengthen them because of trying to stay within those blocks. And so I kind of removed that from my governor on programming here because I wanted to just put it in true energy system fashion. And if you're not accustomed to this, you're going to be sitting around sometimes you'll be like, I'm so like fully recovered. Like i i can go again. And you might be able to if you want to make that decision, go for it. But that's the point of energy system training, there's supposed to be like a damn near full 100% recovery between bouts. So you can actually give it your full effort each time especially when you're in the pain zone, there's a lot of recovery needed. In the first couple of weeks, it doesn't really matter, you're still finishing about an hour. But some of those later sessions towards week seven could take you an hour and a half. But you're not working out truly for an hour and a half. There's like a lot of rest in there. So if you can just do it, how it's written, do it if you need to time cap yourself, that's fine too. You're still gonna get a lot of benefit out of doing multiple sets instead of all of the sets. That's probably the last thing I'd say an energy system training if you want to truly experience pure Mano structural energy system training for seven weeks. This is it and it'll kick your ass.
Joe Courtney 48:42
Yeah, just one more. Final thing is another reason why it's good for newer people or just things to note is that most of our programs, we like you to have your one rep maxes set. And for this, you don't need it. So if nobody has it as a one rep max, you can just jump in, you don't need to do a testing day. You don't need to do anything of that you just start day one, and go.
Jerred Moon 49:01
Yeah, that's basically it. February 7, is that today?
Ashley Hicks 49:06
Yes. Today when it releases.
Jerred Moon 49:09
That is today. So you guys can get access to that now. Whether your current athlete or wanting to be an athlete, perspective athlete, you can get involved with that program. But that's it. I'm excited for you guys to try it out, get some feedback and see how things go. So we can mosey on over to the workout today. What do we have actually?
Ashley Hicks 49:31
Yeah, de los Muertos. So also known as death by you're going to start with 10 meter sprints with a continuously running clock. So at minute one, you're going to do 110 meter sprint, minute to two, minute three, three, so on and so forth until you cannot complete the required number of 10. Minute Sprint's within the minute that You're in, right? So do you, and then you get five minutes rest. And then you do death by push ups. And so minute one, you're gonna do one pushup, and it two to push up so on and so forth until you can no longer complete push ups. In the minute time frame, I think thing to know for the pushup is it's also when your form goes right, that's I think we would all agree that that's when you need to stop pushing. So Tips Tricks, wine pairings. Don't do don't do the Joe. On this shuttles, friends
Kyle Shrum 50:37
think this is general advice, right? Don't be
Joe Courtney 50:40
mean be efficient. Okay.
Jerred Moon 50:43
What? I don't remember, what is it that you do?
Ashley Hicks 50:44
Oh, the first 10 meter sprint, he said, don't fully sprint out. And he's like the first couple, there's like
Joe Courtney 50:51
three or four. You can just kind of like jaunt across all power.
Jerred Moon 50:55
If you're in the category, or you're one of the athletes who considers your warm up. cracking your knuckles. Yes, take the Joe approach and use the first couple as your warm up. If you actually do a proper warm up. Go fast starting on the first one.
Ashley Hicks 51:13
I think the last time to we said actually do like, like comb style and turn around and try to turn around on different feet. And
Joe Courtney 51:23
yeah, so touch the liner or pivot on your right foot. And on the other side, your left. So basically, you kind of stay in the same way. You're just turning a little bit as you go. Yeah.
Kyle Shrum 51:37
Yeah, I think I'm got actually I'm glad you said form on the push ups can get those can get really hairy. After you've done a whole bunch of them. So you know, we don't need you. arching your back either direction. Don't round it. Don't arch it. You know, like don't that just don't do that. Keep your core tight and move everything. At the same time. Maybe everything in one motion. And and I don't know, I don't really know what kind of music to listen to this. Maybe do it no music. Yeah. Silent. So do it silently do it when no music barring
Joe Courtney 52:15
some sort of beep or like probably put on there's a ton of like power our mixes on YouTube on a Power Hour.
Ashley Hicks 52:23
I like that idea. A lot better than silence.
Kyle Shrum 52:27
No, concentrate on what you're doing. Especially for the push ups. I don't really like DD music for push ups. I mean, that's just okay is banging man.
Ashley Hicks 52:37
You're a boy. Okay. Push Ups. I'm sorry.
Jerred Moon 52:43
I you know, I'm not big on the workout playlist. So funny story, my, my brother and he's not really either. But we listen to music and I only reason I started listening to music is because he came over. And I don't know, he thinks maybe I just want to listen to music. I don't know. But anyway, he
Ashley Hicks 52:59
mentioned something to you
Jerred Moon 53:00
know, what's funny is I will just, I have one of those like little Alexa dots in there, whatever. And I'll just say Alexa, play some good music, or I'll say Alexa, play some workout music or like something random, you know. And she plays the worst music on the planet every time 99% of the time. And then I can tell when he doesn't like it because he'll be like Alexa, play this instead. And so and but Alexa, I don't know if it's my kids or whatever, whatever she thinks my musical preferences are, are hilarious. I'm like, play some good workout music. And she's like, girls gymnastics playlist now playing and I'm like, where did you get that? Like, what? And it's like Katy Perry and like Taylor Swift and all that stuff. So I don't know what to listen to when you exercise. But last couple months for me been rough in that department.
Ashley Hicks 53:55
I don't know I can't help you. During Murph, let me just tell you that
Jerred Moon 53:59
country's good. Always not during birth, weight correction, Texas country.
Kyle Shrum 54:07
I automatically filter that in my head because I have in my head, what country music is and what country music isn't. So I understood what you meant and agreed with you.
Jerred Moon 54:18
So So you like Texas country to
Kyle Shrum 54:22
Texas country. What I experienced while I was in Texas seems to be really similar to just what I consider country music. So yeah, it is it just talks about Texas a lot. But it's country music that talks about Texas. Yeah, okay. I'm cool with that. Like, yeah.
Jerred Moon 54:43
I could talk a lot more about music if you guys prefer.
Kyle Shrum 54:45
Yeah, absolutely.
Ashley Hicks 54:47
No, we should save that for a topic and yeah, probably get out of here.
Jerred Moon 54:52
Let's see. I haven't given any tips yet. Oh, I've given completely useless information. Work is is like no Jared, you're done. was trying to cut out here? Well, I think all tips have been said, Yeah, try to try to switch, try to switch sides on the, on the shuttle, keep good form with the push ups. But my actual tip is try hard on this one. I'm not calling Joe, I'm just saying I think that it's easy. Like to get to the last push upset and be like, there's no way I'm gonna make it. You know, like, maybe you got to 18 minute 18. And you're like, you have to do 18 Push ups and you're like, I'm not gonna do it. So you do like five, right? Absolutely not. Try as hard as you can for those full 60 seconds fall on the ground, yell, scream, get another push up, like, do whatever, you have to get one more push up and do the same with your running. Don't get into this, like, well, it's physically impossible for me to get there. Don't don't get in that mindset, do it, try to get there. That's where you actually build yourself up. And sometimes I feel like when we do these workouts, I have to bring us back to the original point of why they're called meet yourself Saturdays, right. And they're not just another workout they're supposed to, you're supposed to meet yourself. So if you like, barely squeaked out 17 And it took you 60 seconds, you immediately go in Yeah, 18 is not happening cool. Just do try as hard as you possibly can to do as many as you can and not just pick that when it's over. So that's it. That's my tip there. We'll get out of here. If you want to be part of the new program and you are not one of our athletes. Go sign up for a membership at garage gym, athlete calm. And then for all of our current athletes. Thank you so much for supporting us listen to pot podcast and joining our local meetups that Joe's gonna be doing I think is a daily. Are you doing this every day?
Joe Courtney 56:47
It's not. It's not local, either.
Jerred Moon 56:50
Well, they're local to the Facebook group, which is our real estate on the internet. Yeah. So you're gonna be doing those everyday right? That's what you said. Yes.
Joe Courtney 57:00
Okay, great. Call me and if you're out
Jerred Moon 57:04
have you pop up into his personal Zoom meeting? You're there. But those are fun. Join the next one for real if you're one of our athletes listen to this right now and you made it this far into the podcast join the next one. You'll really enjoy it. I think it was really cool. That's it guys. If you don't feel comfort, comfort will kill you.
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