Rock Cox
- Hey, how’s it going? My name is Rock Cox. I am married and have two kids. I have always had a passion for sports and fitness since I was young. In high school, I was a 3 sport athlete at Yorkville High School (Football, Wrestling, Track). Still hungry for more I wanted to compete at the next level in college where I was a 2 sport athlete at Loras College (Football, Wrestling). In my senior year of college, I found a new love and that was rugby. I then began a long career of playing rugby for the Gentlemen of Dubuque, Chicago Blaze, and the Chicago Griffins. I am what you might say semi-retired now, but I still play in a match every now and then. I continue to pass on my passion for rugby and wrestling by coaching for both of those sports. I currently coach youth rugby for the South Suburban Cobras and coach youth wrestling for the Tinley Park Bulldogs. I also enjoy competing in obstacle races and kettlebell sport. I want to compete and play for as long as I can. Never stop moving and play forever are the motto’s I live by. My goal is to help you take the guesswork out of how to train and coach you to become a better athlete.